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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Poll: 5-in-6 Americans Want to End Immigration from Mexico

In the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, about five-in-six American adults said they want to see the United States end all immigration from Mexico.

The latest Harvard/Harris Poll asks Americans whether they would support or oppose an immigration moratorium on Mexico during the coronavirus crisis. Overall, 83 percent — or five-in-six — said they favor ending all immigration from Mexico at the moment.

This sweeping support for ending immigration from Mexico includes 75 percent of Hispanic Americans and 77 percent of black Americans. Another 73 percent of Democrat voters said they support ending immigration from Mexico, while 84 percent of swing voters and 93 percent of Republican voters support such a measure.

Even among the most liberal voters, nearly 70 percent said they support ending immigration from Mexico, as well as 74 percent of voters who supported failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The poll comes as Mexico’s coronavirus cases continue to climb, now reaching nearly 1,000 confirmed infections with 20 deaths and 938 active cases.



  1. This is Trump's chance to move forward big time.

  2. Our elected Dems will not care to hear this. They'll call it a fake.

  3. Reality calling Congress....anyone home yet?


  4. We have been inundated with people from Mexico, Central and South America for too many years. We need to substantialy reduce immigration for a period of time to allow those already here to better assimilate.

  5. We don't have enough resources to take care of our own in a time like this. We certainly don't need to be trying to take care of illegals. Let their own country take care of them.

  6. The same poll asked about Africa and it was 6 out of 6 to end it!

    Like Trump said those places are Shithole countries!

  7. We have a legal method of immigration. Enough said.

  8. America needs to go to a point system just like Australia has.

    We only need good smart people not the leftovers, idiots, morons, fools, scumbags, criminals, sick, feeble, or other misfits.

    God knows we have too many here already!

  9. No Shhht !! Dugh Do Ya think , by Now , Finally after Billions spent ??



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