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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Pencil Neck Makes His Move

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) unveiled a bill on Friday to create a commission to review the Trump administration’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

In a statement, Schiff compared the commission’s aim to the one established to study the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and the United States’ subsequent military response.

Though we are still in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, over 16,000 Americans have died.

It’s clear we’ll need a bipartisan commission to ensure we’re better prepared for the next pandemic.

I introduced a bill with @SenFeinstein & @SenKamalaHarris to establish one: pic.twitter.com/pYlyKcnIAd

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 10, 2020



  1. All three Amigos are from California. They were hit the hardest and done nothing to combat it when it started, since they were attempting to impeach Trump and nothing else. Again they are behind the curve conducting "Monday morning quarter back strategy". Bunch of losers

  2. What an a$$; on Good Friday no less. Dude is incorrigible.

  3. How about a commission to determine whether a congressman is performing their job representing their district and not endless impeachment inquiries? Not one Democrat has done their job in congress to support their district in at least 3 years.


  4. A better bill would be to go after Schiff for the whistleblower lies that brought about months spent on a impeachment rather than the Corona Virus.

  5. There CIVIL war is coming soon.

  6. Schiff is a useless scumbag!

  7. Adam I would like to say this to you , what a peace of shit you are, But your time is coming. Your a thief, you lie and you think your above the law .Guess what their coming for you an your buds. Your ass is going out.

  8. He needs to be thrown in jail & Prison , not being Chairman of Anything !!!

  9. Schiffs been awol during the crisis now wants an investigation shows how he wastes the taxpayers money doing absolutely nothing.

  10. He is a complete A-hole!!!!

  11. Start with their own incompetence in California.


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