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Friday, April 10, 2020

Pence Blocks Fauci, Birx from Appearing on CNN after Network Stops Airing Full White House Coronavirus Briefings

Vice President Mike Pence has blocked Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, as well as other top U.S. health officials, from appearing on CNN following the network’s decision to not air the White House coronavirus press briefings in full.

“When you guys cover the briefings with the health officials then you can expect them back on your air,” a spokesman for the vice president told CNN.

Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force, led by Pence, have been giving daily briefings to the press for several weeks after rising numbers of Americans have been infected. A CNN executive said that the network has sometimes cut away from the briefings after Trump speaks, and turns to a panel to fact-check the president. However, the network usually broadcasts only the president’s question-and-answer session.

Fauci and Birx regularly appear at the briefings to give updates on the status of the coronavirus epidemic within the U.S. Fauci has also appeared on CNN virtual townhalls on the coronavirus for the past five weeks, but will not be present this Thursday.



  1. CNN yesterday used interviews from other morning networks that showed Dr. Tony and Dr. Deb.

    So sad when politics and ratings during this horrible historical event "TRUMPS" the actual news.

    No TGIF for CNN.

  2. They get to cherry pick the news for as many pits as they can find or pretend to find, the VP removes the cherries.
    Nice work, Mr. Vice President! We're with you!

  3. CNN is blocked on my cable box. Cannot be watched without having the code. Same for MSNBC.

  4. When the leaders of our country are addressing the nation about the (arguably) greatest financial and health crisis our country has ever faced, CNN is playing car commercials.
    THAT is un-freakin' real!
    They just don't realize how much they could do to really pull this nation together.
    They are tearing it apart.
    (BTW: I'm only one guy, but I boycott every single sponsor on CNN. Too bad everyone doesn't do the same.)

    1. I don’t watch CNN because their coverage isn’t news. I don’t know who the sponsors are, but if someone posts them, I’ll avoid them like the plague.

  5. Me smells a fox in the room!

  6. He was on CNN this AM.

  7. Maybe it is time they just be blocked period along with their models

  8. 214
    I don't regard them as leaders.
    They are mostly actors.
    And outright criminals.



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