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Monday, April 27, 2020

Pandemic And Economic Collapse: The Next 60 Days

The news cycle moves so quickly these days writing analysis on current events becomes difficult; the moment you publish an examination of the situation people have already moved on to the next disaster. So, today I'm not going to do that. Instead, let's look at current trends and project what is likely to happen in the next couple of months. In my article 'How The Pandemic Crisis Will Probably Develop Over The Next Year' published in early March, I outlined what I believed would be the major developments on a longer timetable. Some of these predictions have already occurred.

Now I would like to tackle a shorter timetable and focus more specifically on the economic side of things, along with the effects of government lockdowns and how they will continue. Yes, that's right, if you think the “reopening” of the economy is going to be widespread, or that it will last, don't get your hopes up. I am using a 60 day model because I have observed that the average non-aware person appears to be about two months behind those of us in the liberty movement in terms of seeing the dangers ahead.

First and foremost, the lockdown issue is on almost everyone's mind, and as I've been saying for the past month, it would not take long before people start freaking out about their financial prospects once they realize this thing may not be over “in two weeks” as we keep hearing every two weeks from the mainstream media, state governments and Donald Trump.

The “two weeks until reopen” mantra is designed to keep the public placated and docile, and the establishment will continue to use it until people are finally fed up, which is already beginning to happen.



  1. Here is an idea to get part of the economy back up and running.
    During this COVID 19 situation, Walmart and Sams Club have had a monopoly on the sales of just about everything. If it wasn't for them having groceries, pharmacy, automotive center, they would be closed because now they would be a nonessential business.
    If Walmart / Sams Club can sell it, open up that sector of the market that sells that same type of product. I'll give some examples.
    If Walmart can sell shoes - open back up Vernon Powell Shoes.
    If Walmart can sell house hold goods - open back up places like Bed Bath and Beyond.
    If Walmart can sell electronics - open back up Best Buys.
    If Walmart can sell jewelry - open back up our local jewelry stores.
    You see where I'm going with this...
    A stimulus check might be nice, but if you can only spend it at places like Walmart, it does not help out our local businesses.
    We need to get our local businesses back up and running before there is a chance that they can not recover from this and shut down forever.

  2. China's BIO WEAPON works very well does it not !!! America In RUIN !!!

    May as well had a WAR with them, & we would have lost Far Less People !!!

    Right now we are approaching VIETNAM losses !!! 68,000 number !!!!

  3. "liberty movement" ?
    What the hell is that ?

  4. 750am.. I like that.

    Walmart sells spirits - I know of a few local watering holes which could use my generosity.

    Walmart has a parking lot which we all park right next to one another - I would like to take my boat out on the bay (without anyone bitchin) where we DON'T park or co-mingle in a box store with one another.

    Ok, the 2nd one is a bit of a reach - but you get the gist.

  5. The politicians are screaming for reopening the economy.

    They aren't worried about "we, the people".....they worry about what "we, the people" will do to them when we can't feed our children or begin to lose everything we have.

    It's their own LIVES they are worried about.

    YOU?? Well, you understand (it's been true throughout history) that when choosing between the lives of the serfs and their own comfort and wealth, your life is actually meaningless to them.
    Self-protection is the first order of the day.

    Keep cheering!


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