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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Ocean City Officials Discuss What Reopening Resort Might Look Like When State Allows

OCEAN CITY — When Ocean City should start planning to reopen to some degree and just what that might look like was the subject of lively debate during an impromptu Mayor and Council meeting on Thursday.

The Mayor and Council met on Thursday to continue discussions on the town’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The brief agenda included continuing to meet the needs of the town’s at-risk residents in terms of food and medicine and healthcare, the continued “stay at home” messaging and new messaging for welcoming back visitors when the time is right and ultimately certain benchmarks for relaxing some of the restrictions in terms of the beach and Boardwalk closure, lodging rental restrictions and a gradual plan to reopen the resort incrementally. It didn’t take long for the conversation to move toward the latter.

In his weekly update on Wednesday, Gov. Larry Hogan sent mixed messages including a report on the two deadliest days for Maryland thus far during the COVID-19 pandemic and a new order mandating face masks in publicly accessible businesses such as grocery stores and convenience stores, for example. Hogan’s midweek update also mixed in signs of hope, including tentative plans to begin relaxing some of the restrictions in the near future and reopening the state’s economy to some degree.

Those hopeful messages set the tone for Thursday’s impromptu Mayor and Council special meeting and set the stage for a lively debate. All involved appeared to agree it was time to start planning on reopening Ocean City to some degree and start returning to some semblance of a new normal, whatever that might look like.



  1. Going to need to build a couple of Funeral Homes in the town also. Virus ain't going nowhere and deaths will happen. Ocean City and especially Seacret will contribute to this.

    1. How do you know?
      What if it is a Psyop?

    2. They’ve already done enough damage. Lawsuits will come

    3. Lawsuit's over what ? Cause you cant come to the beach ? That's ridiculous. Lawsuit cause you cant have your Thrashers fix ? The eastern shore is a small community with limited amount of medical personnel and hospitals so respect them for their decision to protect their local population.

    4. No idiot. Lawsuits because they open and infect the entire eastern shore over greed.

  2. I just listened to the meeting via the OC gov website. Interesting to see some chompin at the bit ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$), yet calming mindsets (including Lloyd and Sir Rickie) are still in place (which is nice to hear).

    Throw all ideas on the wall to see what sticks as well as being mindful this Endless Summer of 2020 isn't going to be like others at all.

    As mentioned, the Court systems in the state will remain closed until Friday June 5 and erroring on the side of caution - that could be a planning date to start.

    They do need to continuing cautious messaging to promote one day OC will open. Until then - plan and adjust. A repeat of St. Patties Weekend cannot take place again.

    Interesting times indeed and it was warming to hear caution over those that wanted to move forward.

    30 miles west of OC - who knows HTF that will turn out.

    Stay safe and drink'em if you got some!

  3. It will look like WINTER when it re-opens !!! Summer Gone 2020

  4. Lets see what Hogan says after Saturday protest in Annapolis.

    1. Saturday protest ?

      All units
      ....all units

      we need to beat and lock up people who believe in that pesky Constitution

  5. Go-ahead and open and see round 2 of the virus smh.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. I’ll take that chance over the lying media

  6. For all of you who don’t want things to open....STAY HOME!

  7. 10:49. Following the courts is a terrible idea. Close, cramped quarters with inmates and people coming from out of state. Not at all the same as opening a retail store or a restaurant. I can’t believe the mayor was dumb enough to equate the two. Shows that he’s not getting good intel.

    1. They are exactly the same thing. The people filling up the courts are the same morons who come from out of state and think rules don't apply to them. JFC you are dense.

  8. With no J1 students until after 4th of July, they can open, but won’t have anyone to work.

  9. The last things in this town to open should be the beach and boardwalk. They are what attract the vacationers. We already have people traveling here even though they have been asked not to. A group from Virginia arrived on my street in OC yesterday. They are owners and this is the second trip they have made to OC since the "shut down". The town will be flooded with people from various states as soon as the first relaxing of the "shut down" is lifted. This is a unique area and situation because it's a vacation town. It needs to be treated with extra caution. Opening OC is very different than opening a non-vacation area.

  10. I am simply scared to death

    I’m afraid if it opens
    I’m afraid if it doesn’t open
    I am afraid of the virus
    I am afraid of the politicians

  11. OC will stand for O-fficial C-ause (of death)

  12. We should strongly consider crawling out of our “foxholes” and getting on with the the “battle of life”, since it now appears that more people in Maryland will die from vehicle accidents on an annual basis than from COVID-19.
    OPEN UP!!!

  13. i wont go because if they dont want me now then why should i want them then? As much as this virus is a concern it is not a deadly virus as you sheep are being led to believe. Your odds are dying are greater of getting into a fatal car accident. That does not stop you from going on with your life does it? You may get sick but like with any other illness you have a risk of dying if you have a poor immune system. How many of you panic if you get a bladder infection? You do know that can kill you to? A chest cold can kill you and the odds of you dying from one of those for yes the flu or pneumonia is far greater or just as great as this virus. Use your heads just as you would with any other thing that can kill you and go on about your business. Stop living your life in fear! The govment is using fear to control you! The Govment has put chains around your necks, stop accepting it and yank them back off! You are to willing to surrender your rights.

  14. I’ve kinda liked the no idiots in town! On the other hand, OC is tourist driven, it better open soon or the “locals” will see what a real depression looks like. The strong will survive!

  15. Good time to shake of this and get back to normal ASAP.. BIGGEST PHYSC OP OF ALL TIMe..bigger then 911

  16. Bad 1158 Very bad since its not only you taking that chance. You would risk others too.

  17. Give me a fish and I eat for a day.
    Let me use my fishin pole, boat, crab pots and I can eat forever.

    Hell, just a few hundred yards in the Assawoman bay is all I'm askin.

    And I'm too old to row.

  18. Come on Ricky follow what your puppets tell you to do

  19. Who care about a protest in Annapolis shows selfishness . Then another poster said something about lawsuit's Seriously?
    Come on people stop whining cause you cant get your Thashers fix..Down on the eastern shore they only have a limited amount of medical personnel and hospitals so yes let reopen while cases continue to rise..that's called stupidity. No one has a play book with instructions on how to keep everyone safe so this is been the next best thing cause people certainly weren't listening before they put the stay in place order . Stop thinking only about yourself and think of others and how what you do may affect someone else...

  20. It a shame the local economy is so dependent on tourism. They come spend money infect each other and us and go back to Urban areas and with their wealth and benefits go to state of the art hospitals .

    1. Any suggestions to make it without tourists?

    2. Biden and Bill ClintonApril 17, 2020 at 7:30 PM

      sure 353

      topless college girls pole dancing

  21. yes u agree lawsuits will follow. The reason being, rights being violated and infringed on. You may be ok with that but several are not, They will not sit by and let them get away with destroying what they worked hard for, If you are scared and are unable to think for yourself then stay home, the people that are capable of making their own decisions can make them for themselves, It's their right, The Government was not formed to save us from ourselves. I bet this hasnt kept you out of Walmart though, yet you are so scared, Stay home if you skeert, My body, my choice remember. Use common sense and you will be fine!

  22. Do not open OC this summer! Period. It is going to be mass infection of more people than what there already is. People from NY and NJ and PA and VA and you name it, will bring there germs with them and we will have to start all over again trying to control it.n Let them stay where they are and keep reinfecting each other.n We don't want them.

    1. 2:52 let me guess, you either are a government employee or on welfare

    2. Open it up this weekend it’s all a huge exaggeration

    3. And 3:08 is a moron.

  23. All who are Smart enough to Stay Home , are Not going to put up with all
    You dummies who want to run all over the place & Infect everyone , just so
    you can have O.C summer as usual !!!

    Too soon, like it or Not !!! The Doctors get to decide , not Govt !!!!

    We have a Right to not get infected by You !!!

  24. Take a chance - or find another industry - fishing?

  25. Whats wrong with gov't employees (local/state/Fed)? Really?

  26. 3:08 PM - Welfare, no. Government employee, yes (but a seasonal one -- NO benefits). With the latest unemployment "deposit", I'm beginning to think that I may receive more money that I have anytime in the past even though I'm still "laid off". I say, let these silly hick town mayors keep taking liberties from me. In 6 months, they will complain that they are broke because people aren't eARNING and therefor paying taxes. What's even crazier is that many employees who require initial/yearly training (i.e., bus driver) won't get that training before putting them behind the wheel of a 40,000 lb vehicle on Coastal Hwy. I'm beginning to get used to a good carry out dinner though I miss the cocktail with dinner.

  27. 2:02PM....Boy have you nailed it!

  28. Ocean City is toast this year folks! Oh well, payback is a bear for all the greed. Ricky, let’s see your leadership now.

  29. OC opens early and it will become famous as the new idiots epicenter! Go ahead, drive the final nail in the coffin.

  30. @341 No that isn't a right and yes you are going to put up with us moving around because we are not your serfs nor are you our overlords. Deal with it.

  31. NO Topless & NO Ocean City 2020 !!! Karma !!!

  32. Ocean City absolutely cannot open the beach - maybe even the Boardwalk this season.
    This is simply because NY beaches are closed and NJ beaches will follow shortly.
    So where do you think they are all going to travel to go to the beach? Right here.
    I will say this: I'm damn glad that I'm not among the ones that have to make that decision.
    It's not an easy call, and half the population will agree and the other half will not agree on what you decided.

    1. That’s the only reason for not opening... but people from New York and Jersey are still coming down every weekend because they have property here ... bringing disease with them

  33. 3:08. Exactly right.

  34. OC open for business from July 4th to August 20th, with no restrictions. Secrets, Fagers, and Thrashers will make the call!

  35. Funny how what made Seacrets so big, could be its downfall. To many people. Who would have ever thought?

  36. I’m thinking May 15th, then come June 15, right after spring break and the J1s arrive, and the northern property owners, you’re gonna see a 2nd New York. You’ll not catch my butt in OC. You read it here peeps.

  37. By the time things open up it will be the locals that are infectious not the outsiders.


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