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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest 'chronic' factor in New York City's hospitalizations

For months, scientists have been poring over data about cases and deaths to understand why it is that COVID-19 manifests itself in different ways around the world, with certain factors such as the age of the population repeatedly popping up as among the most significant determinants.

Now, one of the largest studies conducted of COVID-19 infection in the United States has found that obesity of patients was the single biggest factor, after age, in whether those with COVID-19 had to be admitted to a hospital.

"The chronic condition with the strongest association with critical illness was obesity, with a substantially higher odds ratio than any cardiovascular or pulmonary disease," write lead author Christopher M. Petrilli of the NYU Grossman School and colleagues in a paper, "Factors associated with hospitalization and critical illness among 4,103 patients with Covid-19 disease in New York City," which was posted April 11th on the medRxiv pre-print server. The paper has not been peer-reviewed, which should be kept in mind in considering its conclusions.

Among other things, the presence of obesity in the study points to a potentially important role of heightened inflammation in patients.



  1. Fried food, sugar in soup and spaghetti, double salt on everything, sugar loaded drinks, few vegetables, salted snacks, overweight, no exercise and use the false claim that they are 'big boned'. Sure...

  2. no wonder so few chicommc died from it!

  3. Give me another extra large Sub


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