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Friday, April 24, 2020

Nolte: Chris Cuomo Knew He Had COVID-19, Still Risked Infecting Others by Violating Quarantine

In all of America, I know of only one person — one — who knew he was infected with the coronavirus, who knew he was contagious, and who still risked infecting others by violating his quarantine… And that person is CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

If you go to CNNLOL right now, or any other establishment media outlet, you are more likely than not to witness elite and gainfully-employed “journalists” raging against everyday Americans who are out protesting their state’s draconian lockdown orders. And I use the word “draconian” deliberately. Regardless of the media spin, I’m not seeing anyone protesting social distancing or even the idea of a lockdown. What they are protesting is what they reasonably see as overreach and favoritism, is a punitive one-size-fits-all alarmism that treats rural counties in no danger of crashing their health care systems like those urban areas that are.



  1. He gave his SON it ... He should be ARRESTED.

  2. That's a criminal charge now days. So charge him, they would if it was one of us peons.

  3. Dont forget about Rand Paul

  4. Aw Fredo - just leave him alone. He can fall on his own sword all by himself.

  5. Well, until WE the PEOPLE start holding our media personalities and elected officials (Dems & Reps) accountable, then whining about it amongst ourselves is a lesson in futility! If you're sincere about his ATROCIOUS behavior, you can find him on Facebook or chroscuomo.com and if you feel his brother the GOVERNOR should be answering for why he didn't penalize him, as he had other NY citezens, then you should reach him and DEMAND accountibility at governor.ny.com or call 518-474-8390....over & out!


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