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Thursday, April 16, 2020

NOI 04-14-2020 Wicomico Incendiary SF Dwelling Roger St Salisbury

new patch


Date: April 14, 2020
Time: 4:44 pm
Location / Address:  1004 Roger Street, Salisbury, Wicomico County
Type of Incident: Fire
Description of Structure / Property: Vacant 2 story wood frame single family dwelling
Owner / Occupants: Captain Investments
Injuries or Deaths: none
Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $ 2,500.00  Contents: $ 0.00
Smoke Alarm Status: none present
Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: n/a
Arrests(s): none
Primary Responding Fire Department: Salisbury Fire Department
# of Alarms: 1   # Of Firefighters: 25
Time to Control: 15 mins
Discovered By: neighbor
Area of Origin: 2nd floor bedroom
Preliminary Cause: Incendiary, intentionally started fire
Additional Information: Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Lower Eastern Region Office of the State Fire Marshal @ 410-713-3780


  1. Either a slum lord or hood rat

    1. Captain Investments are slum lords that failed as real estate developers. Look at Drawbridge Villas in Pocomoke.

  2. I'm going with slumlord.

    Can't rent that tiny dump for $1200 a month no matter how hard they try, so might as well get some real money to buy ANOTHER cheap and tiny dump to rent for $1300.

    These people are lawyers and council members (that would be YOU, John Cannon and if you feel singled out, I'll name a few others....) and they don't promote housing for Salisbury. They promote misery and greed. BIG greed.
    Want some racial statistics, liberal whiny pansies??
    What percentage of their rentals are to black families?


    Time to run from the spotlight now.

    Keep cheering.


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