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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

New Study Exposes More Evidence That Summer Won't Stop The Coronavirus

One of the public's last great hopes as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases nears the 2 million mark is that the onset of summer in the northern hemisphere will help defeat the virus as warmer temperatures make life for the virus more hostile, hampering the virus's ability to spread.

However, it's looking increasingly likely that the novel coronavirus is stronger than its predecessor, SARS, when it comes to resisting intense heat. One recent study of additional steps that could be taken to protect lab technicians handling samples of the virus found that samples of the virus can survive when exposed to temperatures as high as 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit).

That would seem to preclude the onset of summer as a potential 'miracle cure', while also suggesting that the outbreaks in Africa and South America might be worse than they appear, since the theories that high temperatures slow the virus's spread don't appear nearly as convincing.



  1. Okay then it’s hopeless and we’re all gong through die

  2. We need to lock down for 24 months. This would included most essential workers also. Suspended SS checks for 6 months.

  3. Like I said in a earlier, This plague isn’t going away until it kills millions in the US.

  4. This is the narrative being pushed now to advance vote from home so they can commit massive voter fraud... again

  5. Warm temperatures only kill natural virus
    This virus is not natural


  6. Now that State local and federal government has total control of us now do you think they’ll give it up ?

  7. Oh,I'm sure. More jacked up bullshit.

  8. YADA.....YADA.....YADA

  9. war time is comming be ready

  10. More good news! Thanks! So encouraging! At least I’ll be famous when I’m on TLC’s my 800 lbs life later this year. I can tell all my friends to watch as they have to cut me out of my house and use a boom crane to lift me!

  11. Fascists are pushing this false narrative to justify at home voting which would create massive voter fraud


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