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Monday, April 27, 2020

Name Another Country Around The World That Is Blaming Their President/Leader For The Coronavirus!

I'll just sit here and wait, Libtards.


  1. The difference between America and other countries is that other countries are proud to play their part and stay inside. They have leaders that listen to experts and citizens who don't take to the streets in large crowds because they can't get a haircut. Perhaps if you didn't think in black and white / red and blue you could see things for what they are and think for yourselves. Instead you submit willingly to an authoritative figure.

    1. Experts like cuomo, fauci, hogan, need I name more 12:48?

  2. Umm. Umm. We'll get back to you.

  3. You can't. President Trump is doing a fantastic job. That's why Democrats hate him.

  4. Orange Man bad. Never mind how or why.

  5. all you libtards can go to ----.

  6. China.

    The country that caused this pandemic is blaming Trump.

    1. Unless the US caused it.
      Then the victim is trying to identify the culprit but the Americans are too brain washed to listen

  7. The Greatest President Ever..President Trump!! He put in the travel ban and they called him a rasict. All the lies,fake news,Russia hoax,Muller report,and all the hate,so much more that the Democrats and the Media have done to hurt our country and our president..they are Evil. They cant handle losing the election and being wrong about how good trump would do.And will do in the next 4 yrs!!

  8. MAGA
    We love god
    We love Mr Trump

  9. BEST POTUS in History !!! MAGA 2020 Win by Landslide !!!!

  10. Trump is WONDERFUL! WE SIMPLY MUST ELECT HIM AGAIN IN 2020. Without him we are lost and finished for good. The democrats have totally ruined our country and Trump is trying his very best to restore the damage done by the likes of Obama and democrats in general. The only way we can save our country and preserve our freedoms and ways of life that we love, is to reelect Trump.

  11. Joe, you are spot on, as always.

    But you are a fascist pig. Hoping your business dies and you too. Your wife is a fucking whore.

  12. Real Leader , must be related to General Patton !!!!

  13. China and Great Britain

  14. He has the BIG BUTTON !!!! MAGA

    1. Not a button
      It is his flag pin on the lapel

  15. He has my vote next time. Strong man and dedicated to the American people.

  16. Geeeeeze 5:20,...be best.

    Now you sound like our president

  17. The question is irrelevant, and serves as a distraction from the real issue.

    The way Trump handled this virus at it's opening stages is documented, and exposes that he is terrible when tested as a true leader.

    He is NOT responsible for this virus. He IS responsible for his early comments dismissing the virus as some new hoax, pretending it would go away, and spreading bad information.

    For this he is being held accountable. The death counts will be higher due to his attitudes and inaction and spread of misinformation.


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