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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Montana County Orders Residents to Wear Mandatory Pink Wristbands in Order to Shop

The Valley County Health Department in Montana sent out a flier to businesses with a scary edict requiring all essential workers from outside the county to wear pink armbands or bracelets signifying their quarantine status in order to shop in the county. The flier demanded that anyone not wearing a pink armband be reported to police.
The flier read in part,

Anyone who is from out of town or out of Valley County who has a PINK wristband has been here 14 days or more and no longer needs to do the strict self-quarantine. They may enter your business. Anyone who is from out of town or out of Valley County, staying here/working here, and has not completed the 14 day quarantine is REQUIRED BY THE VALLEY COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER ORDER to use curbside delivery only. They are not to enter your business to shop.

Not only are the people without the bracelets to be banned from stores but the health department suggested that business owners practice authoritarian speeches for non-conformers. They were told to say, "You are violating our Governor's and Valley County's Health Officer's orders. I am happy to shop for you with curbside delivery...If you don't cooperate, you will force me to call law enforcement."

Someone is enjoying their newfound authority a little too much, don't you think? The imagery of marking people to single them out for special treatment is unbelievably bad, hearkening back to Nazi brownshirts with their armbands and the stars they issued to the Jews. I mean, who are these people and why are they so stupid?

It took a very short time before the county health department issued an apology and retracted the policy.



  1. See, Nazis or not. People are people, given a little power they go nuts, and find ways to control the masses. Beware!

  2. Not yellow star of david? Wonder if that is where they got the idea?

  3. But I don't like pink.

  4. Government eliminates overwatch on billions of taxpayer funded financial aid and no one bats an eye. Some hick place in Montana asks people to wear pink wristbands and everyone loses their minds!

  5. These unbelievably stupid ideas are going to end up getting someone hurt. They are going to lead to either minor/local insurrection or a general uprising. Some of these people better calm down and realize they still work for the common good and not their own egos. These public 'servants' misinterpret their authority.

  6. There they go again, with that crazy TYRANNY thing! Suggested reading: The CONSTITUTION. BILL OF RIGHTS...It ain't rocket science folks...just saying

  7. Next , You will be MICRO-CHIPED !!! ALL 50 states !!! Coming soon

  8. Must wear a condom too or $50.00 Fine !!!!

  9. These ideas prove that those people that can't work because of incompetence go into politics.

  10. They are going to have to wear Pussy Hats.

  11. 9:38 and 9:59 hit the nail on the head. All we are doing here is changing the symbolism to mark a certain group of people. And, the scariest part is how willing the masses are in the name of 'social safety'. Sounds familiar if you studied European history. This, folks, is how a government takes over a society and will be the same way Democrats will take away our First and Second amendment rights.


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