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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

MD Gov. Hogan: Not ‘Accurate’ When Trump Said States Have the Medical Equipment They Need

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) said it is “not quite accurate” when President Donald Trump said that states have all the medical supplies they need.

Guest host Martha Raddatz said, “You and many other states are in dire need to more supplies. Listen to what the president said on Friday about the needs of governors.”

In a clip, Trump said, “We’re in great shape with ventilators. We’re in great shape with protective clothing. We have additional planeloads coming in, but we’re not getting any calls from governors at this moment. We’re getting very few calls from governors or anybody else needing anything.”

Raddatz asked, “You are the chair of the national governors association, is that true?”

Hogan said, “Well, I get calls from governors every single day. We have had 12 calls now with every single governor in America, eight of which the president and/or vice president was on the call with us. I can tell you nearly every single governor — I had a call with a FEMA administrator just yesterday afternoon —look, I think we certainly have seen an improvement over the past week, from the week before.”



  1. Rhino Hogan bashing Trump can't wait till Hollywood hogan is out of here

  2. If they would quit spending money on illegals the states would have the money they needed to get their stock piles up to where they need to be!!!!

  3. Oh, so you gonna start in too? There's a job at CNN waiting for this dude.

  4. Not a surprise Hogan never endorsed Trumps presidential run. He's shown his true colors more than enough.

  5. That fat P.O.S. doesn't ever have anything nice to say about President Trump!

  6. Who’s job was it Larry to make sure each state has a stockpile of ppe?

    You are truly pathetic.

    I can’t believe I voted for you.

    Please resign. You’ve forever damaged the Republican Party in Maryland.

    Just go away.

  7. Hogan is full of crap

  8. Funny thing that both liberal governors of NY and California are happy with what the President has done for their states but rhino Hogan is complaining.I wonder if there is a correlation between the sanctuary county's and the large number of cases in those counties. no couldn't be

  9. Add Hogan to the ever growing list of people that have called Trump out on his lack of factual accuracy. I guess they are all just liars huh? Sounds like many of you never heard the old school saying of "It aint never your fault, but you always there, huh?"

    1. You know the old saying you can never trust a liberal or a rino.

    2. Well for years they said black Americans were nothing more then property. By your definition I guess that still stands because everyone used to say it all the time huh? GTFOH

  10. The Feds intercepted the State’s orders for equipment and supplies!

    The Feds are the one’s who are hoarding.

  11. Hogan was already pretty far left even as a Republican, always pandering to the left but keeping the right happy. Now that he has won re-election, he has no k e to answer to and his true leftist colors are shining bright.

  12. Hogan, go join Kasich and Romney and Bill Krystal on the scrap heap of loser RINOs.

  13. from everything i'm seeing is hospitals are empty. No need for them so Hollywood Hogan just shut up. We are not listening to you anymore.

  14. Well, we don't have the checks from Maryland We Need !!!!

  15. Where are the Maryland grants we applied for before the sba loans. Getting my sba this week. Our governor has turned into Mitt Romney.

  16. States have all the equipment they need for patients that have valid insurance. No insurance, no ventilator.

  17. Meanwhile Trump openly declares that Presidents have total authority and none of you bat an eye. Isn't this literally the reason you cling to your AR-15's? To prevent tyrants?

  18. I have thought the same thing, 3:49. I think there is a correlation.

  19. Oh come on. USA never was ready. Prez provided good encouragement from minions and adjusted. Time to move forward, learn from the past and do best we can.

    Doesn't matter WHO was in the White House - same response.

    Folks need to grow up.

    1. World Health Organization has never been in the White House. It is a part of global government

  20. The state of Maryland's ordering system is very screwed up. If you want to see just how much look into it you will be VERY surprised at whom they can and cannot buy from and that's not TRUMP'S FAULT.

  21. Of course Hogan never gives any examples but always mouths off. Keep it it up Hogan. If I were Trump I wouldn't give you a damn cent towards your 2.5 billion dollar structural deficit!

  22. Hogan, go to bed, but oh, eat first!! I can tell you really don't need to be reminded of that though.


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