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Friday, April 24, 2020

Maxine Waters says on House floor her sister is dying of coronavirus

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on the House floor Thursday said her sister is dying after contracting COVID-19.

Waters spoke Thursday in support of Congress' $484 billion coronavirus relief bill, which replenishes the small business loan program and provides funding for hospitals and for coronavirus testing. During the floor debate, Waters revealed her sister is suffering from the disease and dedicated the relief package to her, The Hill reports.

"I'm going to take a moment to dedicate this legislation to my dear sister, who is dying in a hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, right now, infected by the coronavirus," she said.

Waters' dedication to her sister came after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)announced her oldest brother died this week after testing positive for the coronavirus.

"It's hard to know that there was no family to hold his hand or to say 'I love you' one more time — and no funeral for those of us who loved him to hold each other close," Warren wrote. "I'll miss you dearly my brother."



  1. It's sad for both of them.

  2. Maxine are you sure

  3. Typical Democrat - me me me - all about me. Who gives a s_ _t!

  4. Too bad it wasn't liz instead of her brother

  5. Should have been HER !!! MAGA !!! 2020

  6. Such bs, shes was caught paying family Bill's with campaign money, just looking for sympathy

  7. And what? Anyone care?

  8. She’s probably lying.

  9. Sure she's not worried about a house falling on her and losing the ruby slippers?

  10. all her SISTAS are walking the street selling their bodies

  11. Good riddance, one less member of her diseased gene pool.

    1. Wow how can you be so cruel as to wish death on a person you have never even met.

  12. Maybe she should try the drug Trump was touting as a possible way to treat coronavirus... what delicious irony it would be it saved her life, like that Michigan law maker that went public saying the drug and Trump saved her life...

  13. We need a fact checker

  14. Just got back from dropping a deuce. Looked down and saw a libby. Quickly flushed. Said a silent prayer and flushed again. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America !!!

  15. I say "we should harass them at their homes, in a restaurant and at a gasoline station".... her words, not mine. Karma sucks.

  16. Hope she gives her sister a hug and a kiss

  17. Should be her instead !!! MAGA !!!


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