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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Maryland Hospital Association: 'I think we're going to be ready'

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - Officials estimate Maryland is two to three weeks away from its peak in COVID-19 patients.

Hospitals across the state have been preparing for this anticipated surge for the past month.

The Maryland Hospital Association estimates about 10,000 beds are ready to treat patients with COVID-10 throughout Maryland.

“I think we’re going to be ready,” said Bob Atlas, CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association. “We’re getting more ventilators. We’re getting more ICU capacity.”



  1. So Maryland doesn’t plan on opening up until June. WTH? How about addressing WHY CERTAIN areas are more sick.

  2. Ventilators are what is killing these people becasue it is not a virus affecting their lungs, it is something else, that is similar to a virus!!! but you morons know everything right??? The reason, and the ONLY REASON why everyone is yelling for ventilators is becasue of the money the hospitals can charge to the insurance companies, and the longer someone is on the ventilators the more money the hospital will get reimbursed...

  3. 1:25 is correct, at least for Medicare or Medicaid patients. If a doctor has a Medicare patient who gets admitted to a hospital Medicare pays the doctor #13,000. If the patient gets placed on a ventilator Medicare pays $39,000. You can look it up!


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