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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Maryland COVID-19 Data 4-19-2020



  1. two people died over night

  2. So sad. The storm is still not here locally and people are raging against wearing masks? 100 years of solid medical research says otherwise, masks work.

    1. Then why has it hit Iran so hard when half the population walks around in burkas?

  3. Round 2 has already started in china.

  4. 11:32. Then why were we told by all of those “educated” and degreed medical experts not to wear them?

    1. What planet are you from LOL??

  5. The more cases the more federal money

  6. Masks the general public can get or make are unable to keep virus particles out...it's really a "see what we are doing to keep you safe" ...in Walmart this morning, a worker there had a mask on, but only on mouth..nose completely exposed. So much for safety.

  7. 12:22. Not sure which educated and degreed medical experts you’ve been listening to. Most experts “agree” that homemade masks are not full proof protection but if everyone wears them, the distances coughs and sneezes travel is greatly reduced thus reducing risk for all. No expert I’ve seen on any of the news outlets said NOT to wear them.

  8. April 19, 2020 at 1:53 PM Stop. Early on, everyone was told that wearing a mask was unnecessary and did not help, BY THE EXPERTS.

    Stop arguing with people because it is obvious you have not been paying attention.

    12:22 is correct.

    Now all of sudden they are telling us to wear them when there are NONE available.

  9. Rate of increase in Wicomico is worrisome.

    1. I have spoken to people at the hospital. The reason for the increase is due to the fact that people from NY and NJ are driving down here to seek treatment. They do not want to go to the hospitals up there due to the wait times and the amount of infection. Therefore, they are driving down here to seek treatment at a hospital. PRMC is the main hospital down here. Therefore, the increase makes sense.

    2. The CDC lists a positive patient in their home state. The only way our numbers can increase by people coming from other states is that they are getting our residents sick also.

  10. 3:28. So because thinking on this topic has evolved you aren’t willing to consider that wearing a mask MIGHT be a good idea? I’m darn sure going to wear a mask to help protect me from those who aren’t wearing one.

  11. 1:53. You need to stop watching whatever news source you are getting your info from. The surgeon general, CDC, National Center for immunization and the HHS secretary said masks do not work. These comments were made in February and March. They have recently changed their tune.

  12. 4:24. Exactly. They have recently changed their tune. I agree with 3:54.

  13. Wake up people. please keep an open mind! The numbers keep going up, but, they never substrate the people that have recovered from them!

    Wicomico has 142 cases from the very beginning. So, are they all still in the hospital?!! Hell no. Most are out and walking around. They want to keep you in fear to control you!

  14. The point is NOW - if everyone has their mouth and nose covered, it will help some. I'd rather have SOME degree of protection than none! Be respectful of others, if you don't care about yourself or believe that masks work, others do. Can't you do this one thing for your fellow man?

  15. So less than 1% of Maryland's population has been infected and we are in a panic.

  16. 7:05-that doesn’t explain Wicomico county’s increase though. The numbers are counted based on where you live, not where you get tested.

  17. Worcester Co doesn't really have zero deaths. Or low case counts. They were all registered in Wicomico or DE due to the lack of medical resources in Worcester.

  18. April 19, 2020 at 1:38 PM:

    And what was the emergency that required you to go shopping at WalMart? The employees face mask is not the problem. People like you are! You shopping addicts are going to get yourselves killed or sick, or are going to get everyone else sick or killed. WalMart is an addiction that many people can't break themselves from, even at the risk of illness or death. It is an amazing phenomenon to see happening during this crisis.

  19. 6:07AM...Hate to disagree with you. AGH was providing testing and care over a month ago, when PRMC was refusing to do so.
    I am not a cheerleader for either one just try to deal facts and truth.


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