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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes

We black people are so convenient and useful to America’s leftists. Whenever there’s a bit of silencing to be done, just accuse a detractor or critic of racism.

A recent, particularly stupid, example is CNN’s Brandon Tensley’s complaint that the “coronavirus task force is another example of Trump administration’s lack of diversity.”

Tensley said the virus experts are “largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.”

I’d like for Tensley to tell us just what racial or sex diversity contribute to finding a cure or treatment for the coronavirus.



  1. Just keep picking at the scab and it'll never heal.

  2. What happened to the brother who terrorized Salisbury U. with his hate mongering? Another pass for the oppressed? And that race wants respect?

    1. You mean Kirkland? Absolutely nothing, that I know of. He’s still beating the bongos for yet another “lynching memorial”.

  3. Respect character and deed.

  4. I don't comment anymore on this subject. So please delete my comment...

  5. Oh, okay...LeBron James isn't doing much right now, how about tapping him to lend his expertise on viral diseases and pandemics, or Beyonce, or Spike Lee.....

  6. Respect naturally comes after being earned, those who feel the need to demand it are more often than not the least deserving of it.

  7. Respect is earned, not freely given to the undeserving.

  8. Ok im only going to say this once. the reason you need diversity is so that the old white guys cant tailor the cure to just the white population.


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