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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

KKK-Blackface Governor Ralph Northam Repeals Virginia Voter ID Laws, Expands Early Voting Programs

Elections have consequences.

KKK-Blackface Governor Ralph Northam (D) on Monday signed sweeping legislation repealing voter ID laws and expanded early voting programs.

“Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder,” said Governor Northam in a statement. “No matter who you are or where you live in Virginia, your voice deserves to be heard. I’m proud to sign these bills into law.”

Northam signed legislation allowing early voting 45 days prior to an election without even stating an excuse.

Voters used to have to provide a reason for absentee voting from an approved list why they were unable to vote on Election Day.

House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 65, remove the requirement that voters show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot.



  1. Why are they complaining how showing ID is racist? I have to show ID to drive, cah a check, buy smokes, buy Alcohol, pay with a check, buy a house, buy a car, rent anything, but it's only racist to have to have one when voting. Democrats think we're stupid. Show them how smart we are in November!

  2. Bye Bye Virginia, former “Land of Presidents”. You were once a great and proud state.

  3. This helps voter fraud and the dems...

  4. Virginia - where we encourage you to vote Early and vote Often!

  5. Voter fraud has always been their card. They must lie cheat and steal in every way possible to hold onto their power after everything they've done to the people.
    If voter ID isnt enacted we're all doomed, most every state.

  6. And the attack on this election continues..does it not bother you about the timing of the virus release? The silence about the failure of the democratic candidate. the key will be who will be his running mate.. count on it being a NWO mole.
    Its very imporant...TRUMP IN 2020. The cheating by democrats will only escalate.

  7. By hook or crook the dimmy party...

  8. This BOZO is a disgrace, certainly not a rational leader and probably a medical quack.

  9. BY BY VA, welcome to Nazi MD!!!! Told you morons it was going to happen one way or the other, but you think you know it all about everything...

  10. Facilitating voter fraud!

  11. Time to take ALL Democrats OUT of Power ALL 50 states !!!!

  12. Wow! Virginia has really lost their way. This governor sounds like he wants to do whatever he wants. You better stand up and tell him f no real soon. mho...

  13. All you hear in the news lately is "we're all in this together"...so sick of hearing it. As you can see by this information alone, we are NOT in this together. In fact, we couldn't be further apart. Liberals doing what they do. Fracturing society and promoting civil unrest. Very surprised war hasn't broke yet...smh

  14. I can’t believe he’s still alive


  15. Northam is an evil person. His actions from Coonman forward verify this.

  16. The best thing he did was pass a law allowing anybody to be able to use the women's toilets and locker room. Guys can just say they are in "Transition" and go in and watch.


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