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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Jill Stein encourages followers to leave the Democratic Party after Bernie left

Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein responded to the end of the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by telling her followers to exit the Democratic Party, and many Democrats were incensed at the suggestion.

"Bernie Sanders ran a good race. Now it's clearer than ever: establishment Dems' top priority is sabotaging progressives to maintain their own power," Stein tweeted on Wednesday.



  1. People just got a taste of Bernie's idea of a country Socialism !!! Hell NO !!

  2. I hope the Democrat party fractures and a Progressive party off shoot takes place. The GOP will never lose again.

  3. Bernard was never a member of the Democrat party, that was a DUMB headline!


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