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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Jersey Tags In West Ocean City

Talking with friends, people are recognizing out of state tags all over Ocean City. 


  1. Great way to stir the pot. Has anyone else seen out of state tags anywhere ? Lol

    1. I have seen VA. DE. NY. NJ.
      There not from here. But they have homes here. No record of self quarantine, or when they even arrived.

    2. I live in a high rise. Two people reside here year round. There are 80 cars in our parking lot. Where is justice when you need them? Why is nothing being done? They are from DC NY NJ

    3. I live in oc year round have for the last 3 years but
      my Jeep is tagged in va y’all assume too much

    4. If your living in ocean year round your alloed 30 days to change your tags so you are breaking the law

    5. When Covid statistics are given for Worcester County, if someone is hospitalized or tests +, and Worcester isn't primary residence, the case number won't be credited to Worcester County. So, local cases and risk of contagion is higher. Also, health care workers come from across the bridge and are vectors .

    6. And to top it all off you post anonymously

    7. So you’re illegally driving ????

    8. Why haven't you changed your tags?

    9. Berks county, PA (adjacent to my own) had 3 covid related deaths yesterday, two of which were confirmed cases from people out of state, which I only found out after I brought up the fact that half of the licences plates on the road today were from out of state. I would say I'm glad it's not just here, but I wish the stupidity would at least find one place to congregate

    10. If you are from out of state, get out and go home. But local police won't do anything so you might as well stay.

    11. I have a boat in sunset Marina I have a house in west of for 27 years I was down last weekend I am having roof done because it is leaking no one is going to stop me at checking my million dollar properity this viroufs wount heart you unless you are dieind from something all ready

    12. I guess most you know that if you live in ocean City year-round but you have other State tags that's not right. You should have Maryland tags. they give you about 6 months to switch over. You should also have a Maryland drivers license. unless you're military you can't drive around with Virginia tags for 3 years in Maryland.

    13. Ok...MD law requires you to transfer your DL and register your vehicles within 60 days of arriving in MD to live. Military can keep their home of record and not register DL or cars in MD. But once they transfer one thing, they have up to 1 year to transfer the other. MD doesn't recognize dual citizenship. Although this is the law, it's hardly enforced by MVA. However, should you get stopped by law enforcement, you are running a risk of getting a very hefty ticket. Do as you wish!

  2. I saw NJ tags this morning coming into OC on Rt 50

    1. I live almost 3 hours from Ocean City but since I have Maryland tags no one would know

  3. Ship em OUT !!! Quarantine them too for 2 weeks punishment !!!

    1. Some of us live in one state and work in another. It is dangerous to start witch hunting. I work in a ICU over the border of another state. You have no idea what is going on in other people's lives.

    2. Well said! Touche to all of the others who don't or won't understand.

  4. Replies
    1. maybe you want to die but the majority of us would like to enjoy our lives

    2. Haha yea enjoy bitchin on here im sure im gonna listen to you.

  5. Yes, I have see. This as well - even without their plates, you can tell them by their lack of driving skills and rude behavior

  6. That is because they own half of the condos in Ocean City.

  7. Was behind a Virginia on the way to food lion and saw Delaware in the parking lot, so much for mandatory 2 week quarantine. Our out of state neighbors 2 houses down showed up today too, they are here from PA.

    1. If out of towners can't use their property or even check on them, no taxes during that period should be paid. Period.

    2. 720 So much for the 2 week quarantine, how do you know how long they've been in town?

    3. If it really bothers you that bad stay in your home. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. The ones complaining are the same who complain about every event here in OC

    4. i am retired and sold my house in Va. own condo in OC for 30 yrs. Planned to retire there. now not sure i want to live with people so narrow minded.

  8. So what. My son just moved out of state last month and still has Maryland tags. Making mountains out of molehills.

    1. So what.....your an idiot and so is your son. People are dieing!

    2. Real nice...attacking someone's son. You my friend are a Loser

    3. Dying not dieing

  9. I am essential staff in Ocean City

    There are folks walking on the Beach...going near the Ocean and such

    1. Closing the boardwalk and beach is asinine. Fresh air is the best thing right now. If the coronavirus is in the ocean or open air, we need to know it. If not the beach is a good spot to walk, relax, and unwind.

    2. And you share the same selfish mentality as everyone else who doesn’t live here. That’s why the beach is closed because 5,000 people will want fresh air

    3. Corona virus can stay in the air for 3 hours. For example if someone sneezes, it doesn’t just go away in seconds. That’s the whole reason for the QUARANTINE!!!!

  10. Just had a couple come down from New Jersey to their secondary home here in Ocean Pines. Using up what little resources we have. This area has not geared up for the summer crowds!5÷3÷

    1. What little resources are they using exactly? I don't understand.

    2. TOILET PAPER———!

    3. Yes using up what little resources we have u already c as not just get to cleaning supplies u cant get meat beef hot dogs it's not right

    4. How do you not know they didn't bring stuff from their primary home?

  11. Jersey, New York, lots of Delaware ( no surprise there)...

    1. Live in Delaware all we see are Maryland, PA ,NY ,NJ tags.

    2. That's right stay in own state

  12. People needs to stay in their own state and not travel to any other state until this coronavirus is over with and it's uplifted. And we all can get back to our normal regular daily activities and lives

    1. If your drivers license is not from the state you are in then pls go back to your state of your residence an license are from it's that simple

    2. I guess all the military personnel who are from other states stationed here are to go back home as well. Think before you speak.

    3. My license is out of state so are my plates been here all year and I stay home so I wouldn’t see all of those other plates. Stay the hell home hypocrites

  13. Social distancing is the actual thing here. If you own a second home and practice social distancing there, exactly what is the problem?

    1. Right on , People Need to Chill !! As Long as Everyone is being Responsible & Respectful, Everyone Is On Their Properties whether Only Home or 10, If they Own Or Lease It There Shouldn't Be A Issue. Unless The Issue Is Not Liking Out of Towners At All Period. Then It's You Who Is In The Wrong , & in the Wrong Place. So Stop Complaining Like Us Locals Do every Year. If you Don't Like It With More Than ½ of Residents 2nd or 3rd homes for Some. And People Using Motel Rooms to Get Fresh Air & Enjoy Coastal Activities. Covid-19 Is Just Another Excuse For You To Complain About With Your Negativity. The World Doesn't Revovle Around Just You or Me.

    2. Your not being responsible. The order is to stay HOME. Not travel between states. Stay HOME

    3. The problem is the small hospitals there can not handle the sick people I have property there and live in Ohio I will stay in my home in Ohio near a large hospital that could help I am a critical care nurse this is not a joke god bless you if you get sick there

    4. Stay home means stay home how hard is that for everyone to understand this

    5. Very well written @10:29am

  14. As residents, we are trying to stay safe and abide by the rules....please respect our town during this crisis! Go back to your state!

  15. According to the Constitution it is illegal to prevent somebody from coming into a state......

  16. That's why we can't get a handle on the containment. People are still coming down from New York, New Jersey, DC, Baltimore. They are obviously not quarantining themselves. I see them at the stores, with no mask, trying stock up, getting carry out and all the while possibly infecting the local population. We don't know where they stopped to get gas or coffee on their way,if they are keeping social distance or even if they are practicing good hygiene. I think that they are probably not, because if they were they would've stayed home.

    1. Most of them dont givve a rats ass

    2. To be fair, people from New Jersey were never taught proper hygiene. Steep learning curve...

    3. That's being seriously ignorant. Just shows IQ's diminish farther south u go.

    4. How do you know they're coming from Baltimore if they have Maryland tags ?

    5. U sure know a whole lot thats going on outside, for someone thats talking like they're inside...practice what you preach!

    6. You people are just mad because you are the ones traveling here from out of state. I work for a restaurant that is doing carry-out, and most of the people that are getting food are from out of state. I know because I ask them where they are from and I look at tags. It doesn't take a detective to know when someone is not from around here. Go home!!

  17. People are dieing an this thing is spreading out of control. Nation wide Lockdown should be in effect no traveling to anywhere for anyone but you have a Government who just wants you to go back to work cause they don't wanna pay you to stay home. Wake up an wise up people not all of you just the ones stupid ......just stay home.

  18. April 4, 2020 at 6:37 PM:

    Saw BMW on rt 12 with NY tags...not funny, you jerk.

  19. If you dont live in Maryland or have a Maryland driver's license then the police should stop you and give you the maximum penalty under governor hogan a year in prison

    1. Ok so because I live in WV and have a doctor in MD that means I should put my life in danger and miss my doctor appointments?? How does that make any since?? I’m not in Ocean City, but I do have to cross state lines to get to my dr and to pick up my medicine. Plus my family lives in MD. I guess I’m not supposed to go check on my 88 year old grandfather (who is quarantined to his home, ALONE) and not get his medicine or groceries to help him so he doesn’t need to go out himself?! People need to use their brain and common sense.

    2. I dont understand why the police aren't posted on Ocean Highway at Rt 50, Rt 90 and Fenwick Island line. They could control who comes in and who doesn't! I understand what the Constitution says, BUT I am sure that our forefathers would not want the uncaring, lawbreaking, possible virus carrying people from other states coming into OC and infecting those who live and work there! Stay home people! This virus is no joke!

  20. Remember all your stupid comments when things get back to normal and you are crying over lack of business for your restaurants and hotels. As owners of a 2nd home in Ocean City I pay taxes also. I should be able to come down to check on my home and do maintenance as needed. I understand your concerns but please be realistic.

  21. Sounds like a bunch of panicked civilians that have ABSOLUTELY no clue what they are talking about you ever think the militery family's have different state tags or are you that ignorant these people protect our country if you dont like it You leave go to Iran or somewhere desolate serve in the jungles stop your damn complaining do something positive or leave or shut up

    1. Yeah because there are so many military at the beach.

  22. April 5, 2020 at 7:13 AM:

    Just how thick are you? Resources like meat, toilet paper, sanitizer, paper towels, wipes, diapers, and all the other things that can't be found in stores, that what.

  23. I live in Maryland I work at a car rental most cars there have out of state tags car tags from FL to NY they can live in Maryland but have out of town car rental tags

  24. April 5, 2020 at 10:29 AM:

    Go back to where you're from. We don't want the virus you bring to our communities. What part don't you get? You are the MOST self centered type, and the most inconsiderate of others. Real elitist piece of work, you are. Just STHU.

  25. That only means the vehicle is registered to another state. No one knows who is driving any vehicles until they ask/check. Some ppl have more than one home and one vehicle. Driving a vehicle is not harmful. One has to make contact to be harmful. Cops pulling them over = contact. Follow them. If they pull into a parking lot and attempt to go to a store/business, then you might have reasons to be concerned.

  26. Live in fenwick
    Try to help oc restaurants
    If you don't want us to fine. We will stay away all year. You can then stay away from our grocery stores and wonderful restaurants

    1. You don’t have crap in fenwick, lol. That’s why you come to OC, lol

  27. As a Full time resident of OC for 14yrs and in the current neighborhood for 7 I have seen to many unrecogonizable faces and dogs in the neighborhood. Its funny because they know they should not be here. They don't look at you and say hi. What makes people think they don't need to listen to any thing that our leaders are saying. They are taken there time off to put others at risk. Where im from that is called ignorance

  28. I have a condo in OC but I haven't been down. I live in Baltimore. I just want to come down to just sit on my deck. I have food and to in.my unit

    1. Md. isn’t checking. Delaware has roadblocks.

  29. You have to understand. Everyone from New York,New Jersey,DC and PA don't give a crap about anybody but themselves. Shelfish in every way. They don't give 2 shits about who they are affecting. Who gives a crap if they own vacation homes here and want to check on them! This virus is deadly. Get a brain a..holes. stay home!!!

  30. This thing is being spread by the air just like pollen. The government knows but will not tell us the Truth. First they say don't wear mask then the say yesterday everyone should wear mask. Politians go to meeting in January next day they sell stock. They should have done what was done years ago when people had people contagious disease only they and people exposed were quarantined. , Not entire population. Our politians are idiots and legal thieves. The people during the revolution years would never put up with what is going on today. Wait and see what is going to happen now with our freedom. They will keep taking from us whatever they want. Read the new book by Peter Schweitzer. Book is profiles in corruption. The Bidens from Delaware are the biggest thieves in history of our country. If these politians keep getting away with their crap this country is going to have big problems not just the Corona Zombie Virus. Unreal that our politians are sucking us dry. Now the liberal a holes are suggesting that because the government is giving away 2 trillion dollars because of the virus that we have plenty of money to give for free school and free insurance. The people saying these things are the people who have never created a business or paid much in taxes. People who earn high salaries and pay lots of taxes are being fleeced by our government and the people with their hands out for free stuff all the time. This needs to stop. Hopefully the liberals will be the ones to catch the Corona Zombie Virus good way to get rid of them!

  31. OC is a completely racist city. You reap what you sow. Just look at the new OC brochure. Filled with photos of people. The ONLY person of color is in a pair advertisement for a Pennsylvania hospital. I sent an email to the mayor but he didn't respond
    Family has owned a home in OC since 1954. I am very ashamed.

  32. These people need to stay in their own State n not exhaust the OC hospitals n stores. People are so self centered today.

  33. If your census address is not oc md..you shouldnt be here right now..period...but TOURONS wont listen so thats probably why this will continue for quite sometime..

  34. Basically, what most are saying, please follow the directives as they weren't put in place without good reasons. Of course, there will be exceptions and for most legit exceptions - there are rules for that, too. It is not fun and it is not great for any of us but this is the best course of action to stay healthy, not spread covid19 and end the pandemic! How many pandemics have we experienced? First one for me and I am 60! Patience and tolerance and kindness are essential right now as well as respect. We must respect each other to see us through this with least amount of harm. It is person to person contact that is fueling covid 19. Our leaders our simply trying to control the infection by containing it in their cities, towns and communities. OC only has this amount of virus and then one or two late comers want to visit or stay in their temp home and they bring more here. And they spread it and so on and so on. Then all efforts and all our social distancing goes back to square one! Like a fire that is considered put out and then you get a flare up and have to put it out again. Wanting to visit the town or your temp home just needs to wait. I want the pandemic to end sooner than later and I want to live!

  35. All you so called islanders want everyone to stay out, no problem. You want to shut your bridges closed to incoming traffic, no problem. Remember it goes both ways. So if things get worse remember stay in your own town and dont whine and complain cause nobody wants YOU crossing the bridges in our towns. You all are simple minded, what about when this cycles through again. This is a virus, it will come back again no matter how much quarantining is down now.

  36. If you practice the social distancing guidelines then I dont see how you could possibly get someone else sick. Wearing a mask is only a recommendation also. 45,000 people died from the flu this year and there is a vaccine for that. Dont hear anyone telling people with the flu to go back to the state there plate says.

  37. Just stay in your own state until this is over with! I get there are a few exceptions, but the majority of people just need to stay home!

  38. Baltimorons are camping at Hunting camps in the Pocomoke forest around Snow Hill. Why are they allowed down here. They need to be sent home.

    1. How could you possibly know me from Baltimore if they have Maryland tags ?

  39. Everybody this situation can bring out the best in people and the worst in people. We need to be the best people that we can be if that means stay in your primary residence until we get ahead of the curve and let's try to do that we are all in this together let's get ahead of it God bless and please stop hating .

  40. Selfish Ocean Pine Old BittiesApril 6, 2020 at 8:22 AM

    So this summer, if your still in ocean Pines and not florida dont carry your happy arses to Delaware for that tax free shopping since you dont want Delaware here now so your not welcome there. Get over yourselves. If people have homes here and pay o.c. and md state taxes how dare you stop them. The world isnt out to get you. There can be very legitimate reasons for them to be here. Dam Salem witch hunters!

  41. If you leave your primary residence and travel outside your state don’t you need to get gas, food and use rest rooms? You WILL spread the virus or contact it. That is why it has spread because people cannot follow simple rules and instructions. The United States are full of people that just don’t care and are all about what they want and could care less of anyone who gets in their way. Sad, very sad.

  42. I'm left here shaking my head at these responses.
    I have 2 homes, 1 is in OC and it's nobody's concern which I choose to stay in or if I go between.
    As long as I'm socially responsible it doesn't affect anyone.
    Also, Maryland has not shut everything down, some people have to work and the stimulus is not available to them because their place of business is open.
    I'm learning in all this that we all need to extend a little grace to others. We're all going through our own nightmar. Look for understanding and consider what someone else needs, not self.

  43. You know you locals love no tourists...I heard it a thousand rememtimes... Just remember though, tourist towns die without tourism

  44. Social distance, stay in your house, stop being provincial and paranoid. It will backfire when you need something. I was there caring for my elderly mother after the death of my father... so according to you I'm the enemy because I live in Nevada... so weird to think Americans are this provincial. Not a good sign. Stop creating more chaos

  45. If we have a condo in OC and live an hour away in another state, shouldn't we be able to check on our property? We would not need to stop along the way.

  46. Close all the bridges and then they can't come or go

  47. To all you threatening ocean city that tourist towns die without tourist. I was a young man when none of that garbage you call growth and prosperity weren't there and let me tell you it was alot better off. All the development and abuse by mayor and city council has ruined a once beautiful BEACH TOWN.

  48. It's hilarious how easily you all are manipulated by government


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