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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jemele Hill Slams NFL for Allowing ‘White Supremacist’ in the League While Kaepernick Remains Unemployed

Over the weekend, former ESPN personality and extreme left-wing writer Jemele Hill, criticized the NFL for allowing kicker Justin Rohrwasser, whom Hill claimed is a “white supremacist,” to be drafted while Colin Kaepernick remains unemployed.

Hill unleashed a slew of Tweets attacking the NFL and Rohrwasser after the player was drafted by the New England Patriots on Sunday. Rohrwasser has been questioned repeatedly for the last few years over a particular tattoo he has on is arm that left-wing watchdog groups claim is a racist “right-wing militia” symbol.



  1. Wa Wa Wa These elite over paid athlete will never be satisfied

  2. He's removing the "offensive" tattoos. Now STFU, race baiters.

    1. After WWII Nazis took off their uniforms but it didn’t change who they were.

    2. Who do you think they were?

  3. Colin Kaepernick doesn't really want to work. If he did, he wouldn't be waiting around for a phone call from a team, any team. Any team at all.

  4. No matter where he gets a job, from barista to vacuum cleaner salesman, we aren't buying it.

  5. I stopped watching the National Felon League Football when they stopped broadcasting the National Athem. F'em...

  6. She targeted some kid and labeled him , he should sue her

  7. 4:24 spot on and a lot of others feel the same way

  8. 355 what has he done that is illegal and who has he hurt? Moron ?

  9. I looked up the tattoo. I was unfamiliar with it but it represents the claim that only 3% of colonists fought against King George. There is nothing racist about it except that anything right wing MUST be labeled racist by MSM.

  10. I don't know the kicker, but Hill is definitely a racist.

  11. What racist tatoo?

    It is only seen as racist to the racists that want it to be racist.

  12. Tell that dolt to hire Kaepernick himself. They should enjoy one another's company. One disloyal idiot and an 'black supremacist'. Ha, mutant pea-brains!

  13. Jemele Hill who? Oh yeah, she had the coosh gig at ESPN - even anchoring the 6pm Sportcenter yet did what? BLEW IT

    She's a nobody talking about a nothing topic.

    Shouldn't have given her any light.

  14. You won't have to worry about football this year. It is cancelled until further notice.


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