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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

'It's very sad': Fauci warns blacks disproportionately affected by coronavirus

White House coronavirus task force member Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that blacks are disproportionately at risk from the coronavirus due to high rates of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and asthma.

"When you look at the predisposing conditions that lead to a bad outcome with coronavirus ... they are just those very comorbidities that are unfortunately disproportionately prevalent in the African American population," Fauci said during Tuesday's White House press briefing.

In Chicago, for instance, about 68% of the city’s 118 deaths and 52% of the estimated 5,000 cases have involved blacks, who make up only about 30% of Chicago’s total population, according to the Chicago Tribune.

"We're very concerned about that. It's very sad," Fauci said. "There's nothing we can do about it right now except to try to give them the best possible care to avoid those complications."



  1. A large percentage of them have serious underlying conditions.

    1. Ever notice they are always in PRMC and other hospitals in disproportional numbers. Something about hospitals draws blacks. Can someone explain this?

  2. For many years, they have been given affirmative options - and yet they remain in their dole-based living! They have brought this upon themselves...

    Take your whining to the Kenyan Turd - you elected him (twice) and he hosed you!

  3. What is sad about this? Medicare recipients PAY to be told to take care of themselves. Medicaid recipients are told the same thing except they get the advice for FREE.

  4. Sick of hearing RACE has to be inserted into Everything !! Enough Enough

    What is this inferring , that the Whites are responsible ?? Hugh Hugh

  5. The Whites that died are greater in number & are just as DEAD !!! Fact

  6. That is one weekend for Chicago shootings and the dems dont get too upset over that!

  7. You have to be able to follow directions

  8. Another whiny lefty.

  9. 1225, quite interesting. Being that the topic is Fauci's statements, which gave a pretty good explanation. This really isn't even about race. More about socioeconomics. In Chicago the poor are blacks. Go to MS and AL, and the same problems plague whites.

    1. Fauci made it about race 1:23, I was merely sharing my observation

  10. An emergency room is not an acceptable substitute for having a primary care physician. It's a problem that costs taxpayers billions every year.

  11. So we have a virus who understands color and goes after black people more then white people? Ok. And it is not man made either? Ok. You can make data say whatever you want it to say. Such crap.

  12. So, how does the population density play into this equation?

    When they live 10 in a flat, what do you expect?

    B.T.W. I'm just using the 10 per flat number based on the number of registered dumbocrats per address.


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