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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Illinois governor exceeded authority with stay-at-home order, judge rules

CHICAGO — A judge in southern Illinois ruled Monday that Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the coronavirus exceeds his emergency authority and violates individual civil rights.

Clay County Circuit Judge Michael McHaney sided with Republican Rep. Darren Bailey, who sought a temporary restraining order against the Democratic governor’s far-reaching executive order. Pritzker has relied on an April 2 statewide disaster declaration as authority to close schools, shut down nonessential businesses and limit movement by individuals from their homes because of the potentially deadly COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Given word of the ruling during his daily briefing in Chicago on the state’s response to COVID-19,Pritzker accused Bailey, a Xenia resident, of being “blindly devoted to ideology and the pursuit of personal celebrity.”



  1. The government only has the authority given it by the People. In modern day US, it has TOTAL AUTHORITY because of the deitification of the POTUS in the minds and hearts of the American sheeple.

  2. in response to 8:14 This is not about President Trump. Unlike any dem president ever he deferred his executive power to the state governors to exert their executive power as they saw fit but true to form some of the dem governors and a few rhinos have let the power go to their heads either for napoleon type complexes or purely political reasons. Its always the dems that ignore the will of the people !

  3. 50 States, 50 opinions.

    Its how our country works and works well under normalcy.

    When its not normal - well.......

  4. This entire lockdown is supposed to be to protect the vulnerable and while we are all limiting contact trying to do the right thing your politicians are FORCING NURSING HOMES TO TAKE COVID PATIENTS. You might as well wheel them outside to a firing squad. This whole thing is bull💩!!!


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