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Saturday, April 04, 2020

If Wicomico County Employees Wondered Why They Were Brought Back To Work...

The National FOP is the voice for America's law enforcement during the #COVID19 pandemic to set standards to protect our officers.

You mean like threatening a lawsuit against Wicomico County for hazard pay, (time and a half) for all officers, forcing the County Executive to bring back ALL non essential employees. 

Protect and serve my a$$, unless Mike Lewis and company are making a profit off us taxpayers. 

So if ALL county employees wondered why they were called back, it was  the GREED of Sheriff Mike Lewis and the FOP.


  1. yea well they are wasting time pulling over working people @ 7AM. If they are so concerned about being in harms ways stop pulling over people for bull@hit.

  2. Hazzard pay? What other job do you get to carry a gun for? Isnt the job a hazzard? The wuhan flu got them scared? Bunch or patsies

  3. I don't understand this post, it has me totally confused.

  4. As someone who works in law enforcement it is very difficult leaving your loved ones knowing you could bring this deadly disease back to them after your tour of duty. I don't think it's terrible for law enforcement to wonder why the same employer is allowing some to stay at home making same pay while they have to go to work for the same pay. I also understand the financial strain and impact this is on our government. I also understand the Government has to prepare for how this financial situation will impact the future. In closing I dont know what the answer is but I think it's pretty harsh to call the Sheriff and the FOP greedy. EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I'VE COME IN CONTACT WITH HAS NOT HESITATED TO COME TO WORK AND DO THEIR SWORN DUTY. Some of them just have some legitimate concerns. Instead of tearing each other down let's try to help one another. I pray daily that we heal soon from this terrible situation.

    1. Amen Brother, Thank you for your service.

  5. Stay in your home. Don't get in your car and just ride around nosy rubbernecking. It's funny around here how people insist to KNOW and they have no idea what is going on.

  6. Nothing like looking out for the safety of the citizens.

  7. It’s actually COUNTY policy they receive time and a half if the rest of the County employees are sent home. It’s because the other employees are getting paid for sitting at home, so the people who have to actually come in to work get compensated for it. Do some research.

  8. Well, it certainly didn’t help that all the “non essential” (anyone who’s not on patrol) sitting around the Sheriffs Office earning time and half doing nothing.

  9. Hazard pay??? How about store clerks, bank employees, delivery drivers and everyone else who is working with the public through this. No hazard pay

  10. April 4, 2020 at 1:17 PM sworn duty? pulling over people at 7 AM to ask them where they are going ? Is that what you mean by sworn duty?

    Maybe if ya'll were stickin to real issues and not putting yourselves in harms way over BS people would believe your rant.

    I have no doubt you have a difficult job. So quit making senseless stops and putting yourself AND citizens in harms way for no reason.

  11. Knew he would surface again in the spotlight !!! Roscoe P. Coletrain !!!
    He needs to call Boss Hog in Annapolis !!!!

  12. And Chris Taylor can sit back and watch youtube videos all day and post petty items on gov deals at the taxpayer tone of 80k plus a year.This department is loaded with as much fat as the B.O.E.

  13. typical kops, crying about doing a dangerous job. are our military guys getting time and a half? our nurses and dr's in the hospitals? bunch of damned lazy pos look at me I got a badge and a gun! totally worthless!
    suggest you get a less dangerous job. walmart is hiring!

  14. Any county department which is not connected with Waste Services Emergency Services,Law Enforcement and Corrections should be Closed and everyone home.

    Sending non-essential employees to work and mingle with possible infected employees with no P.P.E. is a recipe for a lawsuit if anyone survives.

    1. You got it!! NO PPE being provided. Attorneys already consulted. Lawsuits WILL be filed!

  15. I have to agree with several comments above: pansy a$$es!!

    I continue to work my equally or more hazardous job and they (LE) make time and a half to unnecessarily complicate my efforts which result in a large cut in earnings. Yes, you candy stripers, I'm self employed. Disappointed in your weakness Mike. We need brave, fair men at a time like this!

  16. Hazard pay ? I HAVEN'T SEEN ONE cop on the FN STREETS.

    1. And you won’t. We’re required by law to social distance. Jacka$$.

  17. Why little Mickey look so mad and why did he have his picture taken sitting down

  18. Thank you 1:56 p.m.! Heck ya pull them over....Governor said finally “shelter in place” maybe you don’t know what that means? To many idiots out riding around for no good reason!!! Forget the warnings write some tickets!!!

  19. Hazzard Pay? The rest of us should be getting it to, we are just as at risk of getting this bug as you are. Get out of the way and let go on our merry little way. We have bugs to chase.

  20. Tell him to start Pulling over DELAWARE Tag cars !!! Like they do to us !!!

  21. Just to clear the air, there are actually only a handful of deputies that are complaining about not getting time and a half. Most are complaining because they have been asked to not be as proactive for safety reasons. There are some that are happy that they don’t have to be proactive, And as usual there will always be cop bashing.

  22. Does anyone know what Gary baker has done for the county? I looked on case search, not much there

  23. County payroll for employees to get time in half would bankrupt the county. Telecommuting works for some positions not all but with what the BOE wants and FOP there is not enough money to cover it. If I didn’t know these were fellow Gen X er’s I would say they were millennials it’s all about me me what about protect and serve?

  24. Cops are outnumbered by the trash that is and will not quit migrating as long as the free stuff keeps flowing.Hogan needs to give them the power to Purge the ferals on the spot.And most of these cops can shoot very well.They on the most part keep quiet but they are sick of dealing with the scum in Wicomico County.

    As far a Gary, He done his time in the trenches and worked his way up. He is a good officer and a even better father and husband.

  25. @730, IEDs will take care of idiots like you cheering on the police state. Keep thinking a uniform and badge gives you free rights to be a tyrant.

  26. Protect themselves and the hell with the people they are supposed to serve. There is no more "protect and serve" in today's police forces. Hasn't been since before Obama's time in office.

  27. With i got hazzard pay for still going to work everyday around the public


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