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Saturday, April 11, 2020

How Carnival's Unconscionable Negligence Made "The Ruby Princess" A Floating Death Trap

A few days ago, we reported that Australian authorities had launched a criminal probe into Carnival, the world's largest travel company, over its handling of the "Ruby Princess", a cruise ship that became a floating death trap, then contributed greatly to spreading the novel coronavirus across Australia as hundreds of infected passengers were allowed to disembark, fifteen of whom later died.

While Carnival has tried to play down the criminal investigation by insisting that it would cooperate with Australian authorities, prosecutors in the country have made it clear that this is an extremely serious issue: Australian police have put together a 30-person team under the leadership of an experienced homicide detective to investigate the ship and its corporate parent.

On Friday, the Washington Post published an extensive investigation exposing what appears to be unconscionable negligence on the part of Carnival and the ship's management.


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