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Thursday, April 30, 2020

House cancels plan to return next week

The news comes just five days after The House passed a $484 billion coronavirus phase 3.5 package Thursday to help people and businesses struggling across the country. (RELATED: House Passes $484 Billion Coronavirus Phase 3.5 Bill)

The bill previously passed the Senate on a voice vote Tuesday. Congress and the White House reached an agreement earlier Tuesday. The legislation includes $310 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which White House officials told the Daily Caller will feature $60 billion carved out for institutions with less than $50 billion in total assets. The House passed the bill on a 388-5 vote.

Lawmakers were planning to return Monday to continue to work on legislation to help combat the disease, but for now, that is on hold.


  1. Cancel their paycheck then.

  2. WTH - we need a new House. Talk about spineless politicians. Home eating ice cream and getting face lifts (Nancy). While Americans can't feed their families. It is disgusting.

  3. They don't go to work in DC then their pay and benefits should be rescinded and they pay for their benefits with no retroactive pay. No Congress person should be allowed on tax payer trips / transportation during this time. Time for term limits on these crooks and take their benefits. No multi- millionaire, Husband- Wife- Child should be allowed to collect tax payer benefits.

  4. Yeah, according to pelosi, there isn't an emergency. That's when she'll "open" Congress.

  5. Then suspend their pay. They are not the boss, they are employees.

  6. They're having too much fun vacationing on our nickle and Nancy eating fancy ass ice cream. I see she doesn't get Food Lion brand or Great Value at Walmart. No sireeeeee!


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