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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hillary Clinton: Coronavirus ‘Would Be a Terrible Crisis to Waste’; Need ‘Universal Health Care’

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic “would be a terrible crisis to waste” by not creating “universal health care.”

Clinton, the Democratic Party nominee in the 2016 presidential election, was speaking to former Vice President Joe Biden in a virtual women’s “town hall” meeting, during which she endorsed him for president.

Biden nodded in agreement as Clinton spoke about exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to bring about the left’s dream of “universal health care”:

This is a high-stakes time, because of the pandemic. But this is also a really high-stakes election. And every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country. And then it needs to be part of a much larger system that eventually — and quickly, I hope — gets us to universal health care. [Biden nods] So I can only say, “Amen,” to everything you’re saying, but also to, again, enlist people that this would be a terrible crisis to waste, as the old saying goes. [Biden nods] We’ve learned a lot about what our absolute frailties are in our country when it comes to health justice and economic justice.



  1. Coronavirus is a terrible waste if it does not infect Hillary, Nancy and Chuckie!

  2. Especially since the Koch brothers own study found out universal healthcare would save billions of dollars. So they quickly buried it.

  3. Just think if this Bitch was our President, she would say this about thousands dying of the virus;

    What difference does it make?

  4. These evil sick old f***s never catch this virus so what's that tell ya?

    Mostly fake unless you are part of us lowly targeted.

  5. 10:44

    So I'm starting to see a pattern from you troll. Just spout off some nonsense libtard comment that has no basis in reality.

    Go back to mommies basement!


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