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Sunday, April 05, 2020

Governor Hogan, Your Plan Is Not Working

Resentful, Ignorant, Teenage A-hole's = RITA'S


  1. They all have parents. Some of them are in line.

    1. The owner needs to come out and separate and space the line or be shut down

  2. Democrats hope and change for the worse.they wish to continue obama legacy. Hate confusion deceipt and lies. His Democrats and the swamp thrive on fear 911 now this. Death is just a scarafice to their god!
    Im not cheering.i'm suspicious

  3. I see a gathering of more than 10 people.

  4. Where are police to close them down? Probably across the street getting donuts

    1. Yep saw one turning right into the parking lot at Rita’s and just cruised by without a worry in the world

    2. Police can't do every thing people are responsible for there own actions.


  5. He needs to shut everything down and then maybe these idiots will pay attention. They are the very ones that believe that it will not happen to them. When everything is shut down then they will have something to moan and groan about. What a bunch of idiots!!

  6. Since when is Ritas "essential"??

  7. I remember when I was there 2 weeks ago and there were 8 SU girls sitting shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk. I was thinking then they were idiots and that was before we were approaching 200k infected in the US.

  8. Yes they all have parents!!! Whoever owns that should also correct it. If they won't social distance, close the doors. Sorry the health of others is more important than the almighty dollar. We all are responsible, why didn't someone call authorities?
    But hey I'll stay home, when this is all over more room for me. Since they CHOOSE not to conform.

    1. No big deal. Starting next week all these kids will be home, sitting in front of their computers busy with continuing their on-line education.

  9. 8:26 see a doctor. Seriously.

  10. EBT cards must have just gotten renewed

    1. Racist pos. I guess you haven't been to home depot lately or other places like Walmart. This picture is nothing more than racist denial this isn't just a black problem and I'm sure the 6 cases will prove that. Grow up

    2. I didn’t know Rita’s took EBT cards!

  11. 8:26 you're right. Democrats hated America so much they created a pandemic response team which was disbanded by a Republican administration who has been proven to dismiss global threats of outbreaks. That's sarcasm btw, I know you're a bit thick.

    1. The response team was not disbanded, it was combined with 2 other agencies and renamed

  12. press conf @ 10:45am today

    things may happen

  13. No church on Sundays Rita's ok.

  14. Only the strong survive....I guess the gene pool needed thinning.... if this thing is not an escaped weapon... than its mother nature... and the degenerate morons pictured is the weakest .... Mother Nature

  15. Ritas should have an employee out there asking the crowd to spread out 6ft apart down the side of the building.


  16. Natural selection.

  17. This is a classic example of BAD business practices that will negatively impact those business who implement and practice the guidelines. This will result in the businesses that do follow the guidelines to be shut down.

    I blame RITAS for this .

  18. White folks see and react accordingly. The Governor or Jake Day neither are going to bother them because 'They Vote'. If you want to go to Rita's... GO GO GO! Lets see if the "Whiteys"
    get the same treatment....Probably not.

  19. Anonymous said...

    8:26 you're right. Democrats hated America so much they created a pandemic response team which was disbanded by a Republican administration who has been proven to dismiss global threats of outbreaks. That's sarcasm btw, I know you're a bit thick.

    March 30, 2020 at 8:51 AM

    Are you talking about how the Obama Admin used all of the PPE from the stockpile and never replaced it? Or are you referring to how the Obama Admin cut funding from the CDC?

  20. This isn't a store that needs to be open. If it isn't a drive-thru, close it.

  21. Democrats keep talking about Trumps reaction to the covid -19 pandemic. All I hear are crickets when it comes to Pelosi holding the nation hostage over the relief package. 11 billion dollars to Africa, money for arts. Give me a break. They impeached Trump for withholding aid to a foreign country. Pelosi and the Demonrats withheld aid to the American people because of politics.

  22. Food Rite was selling gas for $.99 a gallon. The police showed up and made them raise their price because there were too many people there. But the big difference, people were well further than 6 feet. They had to raise it to $1.69 a gallon by orders of the police. Ain't that something?

    1. MD has a below cost law

      Not legal to sell below cost
      Meant to prevent monopolies

    2. Girdltree: When did the police obtain the authority to dictate pricing? You're comments are usually funny, but this one is unbelievably stupid.

    3. 11:41- I am just telling what happened. If you find it stupid, don't blame the messenger. This comes from the employee telling me about it just after it happened. Too many people in one area was the police's reason. You can find out easily with a phone call. Facts don't care about your opinions or feelings.

  23. This is what it looks like inside fast food during lunch rush. If you keep it open what do you think people will do? People won't stop going unless it is closed. And why take the virus serious when so much is open. It almost makes those places more busy, where else would you go but to the few opened places.


    1. Make sure u aren't in A pic. No one on here can judge if you have been at jammed packed food lion, Wal-Mart, the dollar stores Lowes depot and been purchasing snacks or pleasure items paint and taking whole families including grandparent s with em. The grocery stores full of b.s. wiping down belts see how many times you seem clean the card swipe machine that most people touch to enter info or how many times them or all these Glove wearers change their gloves during the visit as they touch every thing in site. This is jus some b.s. hippocrite living

  25. See the people in line, right next to each other? That what a line of stupid people look like. Once they go home and infect everyone there, it will be two more weeks until they all either get sick or die. Don't get in line with stupid people! Eventually, stupid people are all going to get the virus, while prolonging the crisis. Most in that line don't look like anyone that lost a job, or are laid off. I guess RITA's accepts EBT.

    1. Says the person shopping in food lion or Wal-Mart a week after hoarding and being told to stay home. The white pot calling the kettle black

    2. 2:17- People have to eat, moron. They don't need Rita's. What crawled up your butt with this thread? You run that Rita's or something? Also, how do you know all these commentors and even the publisher are hoarding, let alone shopping at Walmart? Also, why are you race baiting. You know what? I get it. You're a Democrat!

  26. I fail to see how gathering in front of this is any different than being around people in a grocery store. It's also very puzzling that conservatives insist on hateful comments toward the young (I guess because doing small things to support them would require minimal effort) and wonder why younger generations aren't supporting them.

  27. Thank God (and our forefathers) for the 1st Amendment!

  28. Re: the press conference. Larry said I really really mean it this time. Nothing new. His rear end must be hurting right now from sitting on the fence for so long.

    1. Right and I suppose no one will be out after 8 like they haven't been cause they was out today like me in the grocery store. Jammed pack. That press conference was b.s. and the same thing were doing now. Except he ordered everyone to go out at the same time before 8pm

  29. Hogan is lost....he’s wants someone else to do the harsh call!!! He will say well the Federal Government mandated.......by the way that’s a old picture that was posted not current!

  30. Regardless of timing, Hogan just gave the order. STAY HOME. There's legality (misdemeanors and fines) included...people now need to heed the seriousness. Eventually we can enjoy life again.

    Until then hunker down, drink ur bourbon and keep giving Joe hits on the #1 news leader here on the shore. SBYNEWS!!!!

    1. Yea!!! Infectiom will just spread during the day

  31. 10:59- What store are you shopping at that there are twenty people within arm's reach of each other? All the stores I've been to now have 6 foot markers at check outs to maintain distance. Also, people need food and supplies. They don't need Rita's. You must have the time of your life being totally oblivious!

  32. Rita’s is NOT an essential business. It must sneak in a loophole somehow. They management should have enforced the social distancing. It has always been poorly run. I hear they have jacked up their prices big time, and have gotten skimpy on the portions.

  33. Time for this Business to go Bye-Bye and to never Return.

  34. FINE & Shut Down the Business > Easy to fix !!! Even Jail them if needed

  35. Everyone wants to blame Rita's. Since when is any fast food an essential. I'll wait. And hey Joe. Why dont you run for Governor.

    1. 4:13- When the grocery store shelves are bare, there is fast food. When first responders need to grab a quick bite, there are fast food chains. When truckers carrying vital supplies and need a quick meal on the road, there are fast food chains.

      Just 3 reasons off the top of my head. You can stop waiting there, Smarty Pants.

      What's up with you having an opinion, but others can't? Your trolling is weak. Get smarter or try harder.

    2. These fools are the hippocrite and snack buyers. Lol. Just can t admit it. They think they are better because they buh their Rita s at the packed stores where the markers are near the cashier aisles where u wait and walk through possible contaminated air

  36. Did you see him on CNN 5:10pm. Smh full of b.s.. like he got shh covered and on lock in Maryland left the eastern shore to fend for ourselves

    1. Don’t be concerned, the Eastern Shire has ALWAYS “fended” for themselves despite the animosity of the rest of the state..

  37. Did you see him on CNN 5:10pm. Smh full of b.s.. like he got shh covered and on lock in Maryland left the eastern shore to fend for ourselves

  38. Really at this point who cares...almost every business is exempt from this weak Order..even our local leaders aren't following best guidelines and allowing non essential employees back to work to mix with the actual essential workers..its all about the Benjamin's to them...its all a big farce..so chillax, and keep cheering..

  39. That is Essential Ice Cream !!!

  40. 10:59 Spoken like a typical libtard. How about teaching a work ethics instead of give give give. Take a hard long look at that line and it speaks volumes about YOUR youth. No I am not a racist I am a realist. 4th generation welfare has taught the people who receive it nothing and those paying for it everything. That is why the kids are like they are today. Teach them manors and respect. Teach them not to have five baby momma's and paying support to none of them. You can not blame the right for the behavior of your children. Try taking some responsibility and I do not mean by raising all of your grandchildren because they keep popping little liberals out by the dozen and not being able to raise them.

  41. No one needs to space anyone at Rita's. Its Ice for goodness sakes! If that and custard essential? They stay closed and now trying to make a buck. They should be ashamed. People are dying and they want to serve flavored ice? Really????

  42. Look at them. Ignorant ghetto thugs.

  43. Tell everyone that you look down and spit on every day how much they should care about your inability to cope with coronavirus. If it's your time to go it's your time to go.

    It smacks of New Yorkers that look down on rural folks begging and pleading for them to ship their ventilators to NY.

  44. If it sells food it’s fine but our mayor is AWOL during this crisis.

  45. God forbid you should tell one of them what to do...

  46. Where do you report landlord violators that have attempted to evict tenants, stated intentions to increase their rent in the future and evicted them when the Emergency restrictions are lifted? The landlord also threatened to falsify police reports to enforce such evictions immediately?
    Who do you report these violations to?
    The property owners intent is to cause psychological, financial harm, great inconvenience in as malicious a manner as possible after the governor shutdown employment on the tenants.

  47. Right now we are seeing it's effects on people of means that have traveled for work or leisure. Now as is spreads into poorer communities and elderly facilities the numbers are going to go up. Especially among the ill informed and ill prepared. At least we have a Wal-Mart and grocery stores. There are urban neighborhoods with nothing but blight be it their own faults or not they are going to be hard hit.

  48. 8:51 - yes Democrats did form a corona virus response team. But what you didn't put out that their purpose was to try and find something done wrong so that they can go through impeachment again. Big difference when you hear the rest of the story!

  49. Places like Ritas and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts should not be opened.

  50. They probably cant have that many people standing far apart without them standing in the street or the rest of the parking lot

  51. April 5, 2020 at 9:13 AM you expecting to live there for free forever? Why wouldn't you pay your rent when the emergency is lifted?

    If you read the act, I believe you STILL OWE THE BACK RENT. You do not have to pay it now but you do not get to live there for free. So to make is easier for you to catch up, they increase your monthly rent to make up for the difference.

    If you had half a brain you would opt to pay up and get it out of the way because once you rent is raised it never goes back down.

    He is your landlord. Not your friend, parent, loved one. Its business.

  52. Of course blacks are going to be disproportionately affected. Same reason some Muslim communities are.

    Because they refuse to follow the rules, that are put in place for everyone’s safety and well being. Not gathering together in groups right now, not having bbq’s in flammable areas of parks, not carrying illegal weapons...

  53. Put your pink glasses on Jake how far are these kids apart? And this is a necessity to remain open? Must be one of Jake's favorite stops, especially now missing the Brick Room.

  54. I mean no harm to Rita's, but I just don't see how water ice it is in any way essential. I understand that they are taking advantage of the rule that restaurants can remain open. Clearly, they are not even trying to keep customers 6 ft. apart.


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