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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Giant Asian hornets that can ‘kill with a single sting’ to invade virus-stricken US

GIANT Asian hornets that have begun to invade the coronavirus-stricken U.S. may cost the economy millions of dollars a year.

The insects, which can kill with a single sting, may have a devastating impact on the already dwindling honeybee population in the U.S.

Asian hornets are similar to European hornets that live in the U.S., but they are not native to America.

They are large insects measuring almost 2in long, originally from Southeast Asia, that prey on small creatures - especially bees.

Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom.

The yellow legged critters were accidentally introduced to France from China in 2004 and they have been spreading rapidly throughout Europe and other parts of the world ever since.



  1. Just one sting from a honeybee can be deadly to someone who is allergic. But we have to sensationalized that headline...

    1. 1:03- You answered your own query stating one has to be allergic to die from a honey bee sting. This can kill anyone. You're one of those who still doubts the seriousness of the Corona virus, aren't you?

    2. Girdletree 1:03 p.m. is Absolutely correct, remember the killer bees? What happened to them?, The news media has to Sensationalize everything to Sell readership. And apparently you're a sheepel Who is attracted to the shiny objects headlines.. Even in the article it states ""Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom."" So this shows you're either a moronic idiot or you cannot read. Which is it girdle tree?

    3. Girdletree, if you actually read the article, it specifically says "Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom".

    4. It also says someone allergic to the venom from the wasp. Girdletree are you taking on some sheepish qualities? Not many thought 9/11 was orchestrated when it happened either

    5. come on now you all know Girdletree has been social distancing and hasnt had time to unwind He will get it soon enough

    6. Ok all of you, let's get together and I can take a sting from a honey bee and you can take a sting from a giant Asian hornet and we will talk about which is worse.

  2. From China with love.

    Africanized killer bees, the Wuhan virus and killer hornets. Globalization’s bounty.

  3. 1:19 PM - So you are one that would prefer to hide from anything that may hurt or kill you. This sensationalizing and fear mongering needs to stop. We can die from just about anything anytime anywhere. What the hell is wrong with everyone? Oh, remember the lady in England that fell on a metal straw and died. Heard she was sheltering in place in fear of falling off a ladder. Sarcasm 1:19, but you get the point - right?

  4. We need people to stay inside shelter in place because of bees #callingit


  5. So, did any of you who blow this off see this wasp in the pictures?

    It's almost two inches long. A BIG wasp.

    If it stings you, it won't matter if you're allergic, it will be a memorable occasion.

  6. Chase the queen Asian hornet back to Asia, this is just something else for the Democrats to sink their teeth into.

    1. We should send them one of our invasive species. New Yorkers. They are showing up here and using up all of Trump's Covid drug because their prick governor won't let them have it.

  7. Girdletird A K A. O NOBLEY BORN ONE

  8. Now yet another Deadly thing from Asia to America !!! No Co-incidence !!

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Does anything of benefit to civilization ever originate in Africa or Asia? Seriously, I can’t think of anything except misery and violence.

  10. Only my Green hornet lunch box growing up was cool ! Now ..you talk about deathly afraid of something ..that's Hornets or any stinging cuz !! ...( In a car driving down the road ) !!!!

  11. April 11, 2020 at 1:19 PM:

    Come on Girdletree, read! Quit looking for someone to criticize and read the article posted. Let me point it out to you, and I quote "Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom." You are true to form. Opening your mouth when you have nothing useful or truthful to say. Eventually everyone will quit bothering to read anything "girdletree" has to say in any of his comments. It will always be something stupid and unsubstantiated.


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