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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Former Biden staffer who claims he sexually assaulted her in 1993 files formal criminal complaint in Washington D.C.

A woman who served on former Vice President Joe Biden's senate staff and who accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1993 has filed an official criminal complaint against the now presumptive Democratic presidential frontrunner.

Tara Reade filed the complaint about the alleged assault with the Washington Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C.

She then tweeted on Friday that the statute of limitations on the allegation had passed, but that 'there is justice in just being heard in a dignified way.'

Reade has said that Biden shoved his hand under her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers while they stood in a senate corridor, an accusation he denied when she first made the claim last month.



  1. Time for all the liberal left Democrats to convene and rake Biden over the coals like Kavanaugh.

  2. He doesn't remember anything so this will be the response with the accuser but maybe Jill will have sense enough to leave him between him and Hunter I bet she has many regrets, but then I guess she has been able to enjoy the billions they got out of his and son's over seas deals. Wait and see.

  3. The NAIL in Dirty Biden's Coffin !!! GOTCHA !!!!

  4. So this is how the Democrats are going to try and get Biden out and Cuomo in...

  5. Well, well, well. I am not going to jump to conclusions here. But where are all the democrats that typically do. How come they are not out howling like a banshee?

  6. Democrat women will ruin her they don’t care about the truth.

  7. They don't care when it's one of their own accused... look at Bill and Hildabeast!


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