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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Florida Republicans Demand Miami Herald Fire Columnist

Florida Republicans are urging the Miami Herald to take action against metro columnist Fabiola Santiago, who tweeted on Sunday that Florida residents packing beaches “should work nicely to thin the ranks” of supporters of President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

On Sunday, Santiago specifically tweeted that “packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health.”

Hours later, Santiago deleted the tweet and issued an apology, saying her remarks “didn’t accurately convey my sentiment… Regardless of political differences, I would never wish any harm on anyone.”

Her apology came after strong condemnation from prominent Trump supporters and coverage of her remarks by independent news media outlets, including an article at Breitbart News and coverage on Fox News.



  1. Uhhhh....her apology is BS! How could her tweet be misconstrued or "didn't accurately convey my sentiment"? Journalists are supposed to be impartial and apolitical with emphasis on NEWS not opinion or bias. This is why I quit the Daily Slimes years ago.

  2. I mean...natural selection at work.

  3. The unfortunate thing is that these idiots are not only affecting themselves, they can spread the virus to countless others

  4. The PHONY outrage.

    Lets get mad at a reporter that said something you don't like...

    and NOT at the idiots that are further endangering their own lives but the lives of anyone else they come in contact with. Not at the political leaders that are fueling these fools foolish stupidity. No, lets focus our outrage at someone who dares to point out said morons and the consequences they face for said buffoonery.

    Where has everyone's critical thinking gone?

  5. I guess we all like free speech until we don't.

    1. We don't like fake news 7:51, this virus is not spread to republicans only

  6. Republican led Senate investigation confirms Russian interference in 2016 election. Remember when Trump said it was the "deep state" and trusted Putin over his own country?

  7. 8:05-Trump was correct. What is your point?

  8. It's okay, we now know where your soul is.

  9. If what she said did not accurately convey her sentiment then why did she say it? It is what she meant to say. But it is foolish to go out in a crowd when the virus is still being spread. We will all have to face the consequences of our actions.

  10. Some people sure stupid now maybe the bitc# will have to get a real job.

  11. The Governor and Trump supporters will not head the Trump guidelines what other results would you expect?

  12. Thank you 8:05 and also Joe for reporting

  13. Len Foxwell works for the government and he gets a pass ???? WTH??
    We need to hold government people just as accountable as a stupid journalist


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