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Friday, April 10, 2020

Fauci speculates Americans could take summer vacations, but there are caveats

The number of coronavirus patients in New York and Connecticut is starting to rise at a slower rate and the nation's top infectious disease official says it's a sign that social distancing is working.

"At the same time as we're seeing the increase in deaths, we're seeing a rather dramatic decrease in the need for hospitalizations," Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters at a White House briefing Thursday.

"That means that what we are doing is working and therefore we need to continue to do it," Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, added.


  1. I'm tired of listening to that talking head, it's the same ole, same ole everytime he speaks

  2. He's like Schumer when it come to being on camera. It is very dangerous to get between them and a camera.

  3. It's dangerous for them to say this is slowing down. The minute people hear that, they will be flocking out to gatherings and spreading it again.

  4. LOL they are getting their vacations right now

  5. 10:34am
    It is bad when you're spreading a virus that is killing people.
    Exercising your freedom can be selfish.


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