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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Even amid coronavirus, Democrats keep up their partisan games

America was stirring with opportunity at the beginning of 2017. Disrupter, energizer, and businessman Donald Trump had just been elected president.

After years of Obama-Biden economic malaise, businesses small and large were eager for the Trump economy to restore America to its best, richest self. Markets responded, gaining hundreds of points within days amid record-high trading volume, and a marked uptick in optimism — the knowledge that America’s best days were still to come.

Those heady days were an opportunity to rally together, under the leadership of a non-ideological president who was eager to make deals with our allies, better deals with our adversaries, and honest deals with dishonest politicians in both parties. After all, who could reasonably oppose policies that put America and the American people first?



  1. When will people learn they only care about power and themselves.

  2. They are Evil & Anti-American > Impeach them ALL !!!

  3. You must be kidding. Moscow Mitch is the grand marshal for blocking anything and everything


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