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Saturday, April 25, 2020

ER Physician Drops Multiple COVID-19 Bombshells


  1. I have been on this bandwagon from the start of this and had my opinion blocked here many times.

    We all make mistakes.

    Lets see if this gets posted.

    1. We can't hold back the World bc sick elderly people esp in nursing homes are dying WE WILL DIE IF WE DON'T GET BACK TO WORK.

    2. Well there ya go. Yer a Rock Star now!

    3. Hell yeah #reopenmd

    4. So are you dessert boy

  2. Hope the Clinton's don't here about him...

    1. YIKES! Dang 5:33 us got a point there!

  3. My source in FEMA says we are in for a full lockdown next week. Better get you supply’s soon. Just saying

    1. You've been saying that for weeks and weeks...

    2. You have a bad source, fema is kins of like the fbi

  4. I have said all along, Fauci needs to go, be done with him Mr. President, listen to doctors who are actually seeing patients.

  5. The so called experts are a joke. The numbers are easy to manipulate when common people don’t know them. Sorry everybody. This is the truth and it always was. Let a person with weakened immune get the flu in a year it’s a strand not in the flu shot. The exact same thing. Maryland’s death by age looks like a standard life insurance actuary average. Why? Nothing is different.

    You, and me early on, fell for this. It took zero time for global government to control you.

  6. I wish our government officials would take into account these videos. We are placing too much stock in Fauci.

  7. I think the doctor is right. If you have underlying health issues hunker down, otherwise carry on. On Fox last night they said 21% of people in NYC have the anti-bodies. Do the math. 8,662,000 (population of NYC) X .21 (%) = 1,819,020 (people who have/had virus). I do not know the amount of deaths from the virus in NYC. They always post NY state. Plus, I do believe they are fudging the #s like the ER MD said.
    Death rate is very low.

  8. I’m with you. I’ve been saying it all along. It is nothing more than the Democrats fear mongering during an election year. As a society we gladly accept over 30,000 deaths a year from auto accidents. They don’t ban people from driving. We accept over 100,000 deaths from lung cancer yet they still sell cigarettes. Closing the economy is ridiculous.

  9. WE CANNOT die bc some Elderly people have underlined conditions that is the REASON we the healthy population have to get back to work or we WILL BECOME A SOCIALIST COUNTRY EXACTLY WHAT DEMS WANT.

  10. Believe what you want to believe, but you don't have 70 people die in a single nursing home and they're not be in underlining problem. That's just one example. What about 800 people infected on a single Navy Cruiser? I do get where you saying we need to be out and build an immunity to this, but that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, and it is more contagious and deadly than the flu.

    1. 800 people on a Navy ship tested positive and every last one is fine. People get sick. Always have. Always will. Statistically speaking, I'm more likely to die from quarantine induced depression than the Coronavirus.

    2. You took the words right out of my mouth 7:42. Thanks for setting girdletree straight, he needs the help.

  11. April 25, 2020 at 6:38 PM
    Hope it isnt your grandma you are taking it home to.
    Some people just don't get the bigger picture.

    just because you wont die from it doesn't mean you aren't killing others

  12. I have lived through scarlet fever, chicken pox, polio, all kinds of flu and I am now 73 and couldn't be healthier - go figure.

  13. Time to open up Maryland and the good ole U.S.A.

  14. 8:00. We can’t destroy the economy for a virus that kills about the same amount as the flu.

  15. YouTube killed the video! What does THAT tell you!?


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