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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

DPI statement on President Trump's executive order

In response to President Trump’s executive order keeping meat and poultry plants operating during the COVID-19 crisis, Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. issued the following statement:

“This executive order will give needed assistance to Delmarva’s chicken processing companies by sending food supply chain resources to plants, giving them even more ways to keep workers safe and protected from coronavirus. By resolving inconsistencies among states in enforcing CDC guidelines, the order is a good first step towards a uniform standard for worker safety during this crisis in meat and chicken processing.

“Last week, Delmarva’s governors jointly conveyed to the President an urgent need for additional federal support for our chicken community, asking the White House to identify federal resources that could help chicken companies, employees, farmers and chicken growers and to provide necessary equipment, personnel, supplies and testing materials to ensure processing plants can remain open. They also asked for national, uniform guidance from the CDC and OSHA for the meatpacking and poultry processing companies. This executive order accomplishes those goals and aids us in keeping the safe and stable chicken supply chain our country must have.

“This crisis is sorely testing Delmarva’s chicken community – our more than 20,000 chicken company employees, the more than 1,300 farmers who raise chickens here, and the scores of allied businesses we rely on. All of them have shown astounding reserves of patience, determination and strength. Together, and with a helping hand from the states and the federal government, we will continue to feed the country and the world.”


  1. Thank you President Trump

  2. And God Bless chicken people everywhere


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