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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Donald Trump takes aim at Fox News during anti-media tirade

President Donald Trump took aim at Fox News over the weekend, saying he wants an 'alternative' to his former favorite cable news network and blasting board member Paul Ryan.

The president's rant came amid a larger diatribe against the media and its coverage, a wave of fury that resulted from Thursday's White House press briefing where Trump suggested officials look into injecting disinfectant into people to combat thecoronavirus, advice medical experts were quick to debunk.

In fact, the advice was so unsound even Fox News hosts like Steve Doocy, the 'Fox & Friends' morning show host who is Trump supporter, disregarded it.

Injecting disinfectants 'is poisonous,' he said Friday morning. Fox News' anchor Chris Wallace warned: 'The answer is no, it’s not safe. A lot of the major manufacturers say it isn’t.'

Trump has had a love-hate relationship with Fox in recent weeks as he touts One American News, a small conservative news outlet that is becoming his new favorite.



  1. It's been my fav over Fox for a few months now.

  2. Yes, OAN is legit.

  3. If we still have to talk about not using disinfectants than the people in this country are a lot dumber than I thought. Really people - move on. Doocy and Wallace - shut your pie holes. You both should have been in the unemployment line long before covid 19.

  4. FOX is still my go to and Trump must thicken his skin a bit. Anyone who has watched FOX News Sunday can attest that Chris Wallace is equally tough on both liberals and conservatives. FOX is right leaning but their mantra is "Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid" and just reports the facts unlike CNN who babbles unfounded opinion and supposition.

  5. 8:28
    You should see your doctor for a checkup.

    Joe Biden thinks he's just fine too.

  6. 8:28, agreed, and I've just seen my doctor, 9:07.


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