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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Democrats Opt for Blackmail Over Small-Business Money—and the Media Covers for Them

“What a deal for Democrats: They get to hold the economy for ransom, and the media blithely cover for them,” the New York Post editorial board writes.

“On Thursday, Senate Democrats nixed a simple but urgent request to boost cash in the emergency small business loan program Congress set up this month from $350 billion to $600 billion.”

“Everything is an opportunity,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, previewing Democrats’ plan to use the small business money as leverage for other items on their agenda.

Click here to read more.


  1. Yes that is what this is all about. Orange man bad. Punish the ignorant

  2. Small businesses is the only thing that keeps Democrats and some Republicans from joining the new world order and that’s why they hate us and never do anything to help us.Unions control most and could control all large corporations with their help thus being part of the NWO.

  3. If any small business owner,or a tax payer with a conscious ever votes for another one of these dumocrats,your just as dumb!Ita all about them and they dont care about us citizens!

  4. Proving they do not work for the people but against them. They are losers destroying America with our own money.

  5. I have never seen the such All their doing is taking our money an using it how they want. IT NEEDS TO STOP

  6. HELL NO !!! Trump needs to call them Out & stop them once & for All !!

  7. Are teachers and government workers getting full pay while not working?


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