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Friday, April 03, 2020

Death by Individualism: Why USA Can't Do What China Did to 'Kill' COVID-19 Pandemic

USA Today reports that China “stopped” the COVID-19 pandemic with harsh, collectivist tactics that liberty-loving Americans would never accept. Do we run the risk of death by individualism? Or is China still lying on a massive scale about the success of its totalitarian efforts to kill the pandemic?

Bill Whittle Now with Scott Ott is a production of our Members, who foster civil dialogue by engaging the ideas that support the Progressive narrative. Join their common sense rebellion now, and find your people.



  1. you can't trust a thing coming from China, information or products. All poisoned.

  2. Because China developed the virus and attacked us with it

  3. Everyone needs to read the lead article up on Ann Barnhardts website.

  4. China didn't "kill" the Wuhan Flu.

    They exported lots of it.

    They still have it, they are just continuing to lie about it.

  5. FREEDOM is the Death sentence in America because everyone cannot
    sit still & constantly moving all around as they please !!!!

    The Virus is NOT ever going away !!! As soon as you go back to work

    OH , WELL !!!!

  6. China KILLS whoever speaks up !!! Fact


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