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Monday, April 20, 2020

Dear Nancy Pelosi, You Don’t Need To Pay $13 A Pint For Good Ice Cream

Bad optics and lacking leadership during this time of crisis aside, someone needs to tell the House speaker there are better, cheaper options to stock her freezer with.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was slammed by lawmakers and media alike this week after she simultaneously blocked funds for America’s suffering small businesses, and showed off her gourmet ice cream stockpile.

House Republicans have attempted for over a week to pass a clean funding bill to replenish funds for the Paycheck Protection Program, of which all $349 billion available was officially depleted on Thursday. Democrats blocked the assistance, offering a counter-proposal with a wish-list of progressive propositions. As Republicans and even some Democrats begged for Congress to bail out more small businesses, Pelosi called it a “stunt” and claimed there’s “no data as to why we need it.”



  1. It's the only thing her twisted wicked bowels can digest and she doesn't have to chew.

  2. She pays that much to insure that no creep has licked it before her. She would hate to have possibly shared anything with a common man. she is after all way out of touch with her voters and reality.

  3. Fire her damn ass from congress 2020 NOW !!! & other Demon-crats !!!

  4. What a hideous woman

  5. The Californians keep voting for the bitch so get smart or let her go. Stupid is as stupid does!

  6. Your Taxpayer $$$ paid for it !!! It was in the last Bill passed !!!! Pork !!!!

  7. Well, now we know the DEVIL eats ice cream !!!!! Cold Day in Hell !!!

  8. Thankfully Stupidity doesn't discriminate.

    And to think she is #3 in the line of succession - whoa!!!

  9. She’s smiling because tax payers paid for it - she couldn’t care less

  10. Pelosi is a prime example of the elite who thinks they are "GOD" and a dictator. All Politians that are not in DC doing their job and all other Politians should not be getting a check or benefits, since they are the ones taking away the lively hood of the citizens. Guarantee they will be working for the people and get things right PDQ. These are multi-millionaires but they don't want to lose their cushion paycheck and outlandish benefits.

  11. 25k refrigerator for two people and not GREEN. Sick.

  12. ANON 11:46 AM just took the words out of my mouth. Why does she need to commercial-grade or very high-end refrigerators? She appeared to be in the kitchen of a restaurant.

  13. She and her husband are worth over $300 Million. And she has illegals cleaning her house and doing her shopping. Plus her nephew is Governor of California so she politics does pay well.

  14. She's a millionaire living in a mansion in a gated community that we all pay for get over it. And all you Democrats still love her.


  15. This century's Marie Antoinette moment!

  16. She is always splurging & jet setting around the world !!! a Criminal !!!

  17. She is one step above Biden on the dementia scale and they are the top democrats. That's sad, I find them imposable to watch on TV they are so far gone. Time to retire!

  18. " NO DATA " as to Why we need Pelosi !!!


  20. She used her Private Helecopter to get some ice-cream !!!

  21. Seriously - ice cream jokes aside, this woman is dangerous. We must vote Trump 2020.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²


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