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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

DC Mayor Appoints Obama’s Former NatSec Advisor Susan “Benghazi” Rice to “Reopen DC”

The Democrat Mayor of Washington, D.C., appointed Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice to “reopen DC” after issuing an authoritarian lockdown order due to the Coronavirus panic.

Mayor Muriel Bowser made the announcement on Monday.

“ReOpen DC is about working together as a community to reopen Washington, DC in a way that is safe and sustainable. Together, we will create a plan that is based in science and tailored to the needs of our community.” – Bowser said.

There are three phases of reopening:



  1. She can lie to the MSM with great skill as she did for the Obama administration, I'm sure this will be very helpful to the Washington DC mayor.

  2. Forget it. it will remain closed for a long time

  3. So, there is no other person in the whole world to ask to do this besides this lying P.O.S. ?


  4. She'll fit right in.


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