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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cuomo, de Blasio, and New York City Owe Trump an Apology

Many Americans have witnessed daily briefings in which New York State's governor, Andrew Cuomo, makes repeated demands of the President and exploits his moment in the sun by condemning the President and even maligning him. Instead of constantly complaining, it's about time Cuomo apologized to President Trump and to those Americans across the country who specifically helped NYC during her time of need. It is not President Trump who has fallen short in doing his job, rather governor Cuomo and his side-kick Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York City.

Three weeks ago Cuomo was demanding ventilators, masks, gowns, and hospital beds. He made no demands of himself, rather of the President. But now many are asking why the governor had not spent his many years in office accumulating the supplies needed for the emergencies and epidemics that surely transpire. In President Trump's desire to help the country and specifically the state where he was born and raised, Mr. Trump did not haggle over the question of whose responsibility it is to take care of state needs, but instead dove headlong to supply what New York needed. While Cuomo spent his days grandstanding and pontificating, and alternating his made-for-TV attire between informal leather jackets one day, blazers the next, presidential suits, and then sweaters, Mr. Trump was marshaling and corralling every force in this country and around the globe to provide the needs of New York state. Cuomo always looks well rested while Mr. Trump, the heroic workhorse, looks exhausted. We now know why: one is playing soap-opera governor while the other is a minute-by-minute, indefatigable President.



  1. All of us should kneel before the president and lick his shoes. I’m being sarcastic.

    1. 9:30 am Sarcasm does not become you. I'm being sarcastic😂😂😂

  2. I'm sure POTUS is NOT holding his breath for that.

  3. I think kissing the ring will suffice as it has for centuries

  4. Bob Aswell,,,,RealistApril 25, 2020 at 12:27 PM

    There are no apologies for and by the ignorant. Perfect examples are the dyed in the wool Dumbocrats. Their stupidity either fosters liberalism because they don't have the balls to take a stand (cowards) or stubbornness to the point of insanity unwilling to face the truth, or the crazies like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Biden and the rest of their lieutenants. I see the problem as ingratitude and the inability to add positively to a solution for miscellaneous problems.

    In reality, they (Dumbocrats), would like for the electorate to think they have answers all the while, yet, isn't it funny these mystery solutions never surface until after the fact and have proved to be fools errands such as the cash delivery by Owe'Bama to Iran.

    Yet, the people, even after being apprized of the ludicrous and obvious, still insist these dolts are the best selections for office and vote for them. See the madness here?

    The dims going forward are going to find this scenario changing because the ones of them NOT seeking a free lunch are changing parties because they see the writing on the wall and that's what is going to save this Country.

  5. Trump is the BEST.

  6. They NEVER do that !!! They are Demon-crats !!!

  7. Cuomo is a pillock.

  8. Cuomo is a Mafia-oso Demon-crat Dictator of NY !!! The Cuomo Family !


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