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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Covid-19 Nursing Home Cases ****5 cases at one Salisbury Nursing Home****

Here is the link to check other nursing homes. https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/pages/hcf-resources?


  1. Now that the health department has signed up to go along with PRMC and will not be transparent and not announcing any information we won’t know anyhow. Might as well get back out there and open up. Can’t be dangerous if it is no worth reporting.
    Why kill the businesses.

  2. Why haven’t the positive cases been moved to SU?

  3. Open up if no transparency!

  4. Our local long term care facilities are doing a great job! Since I have a loved one in one of the facilities, not only do I visit on a regular basis (of course complying with all restrictions), but also participate in daily updates. In so doing it is comforting to know that residents and staff are being monitored and tested with appropriate action and protocols applied. Thank the Lord we have lost no one to the virus in a nursing home locally so far. With the continued safety measures being applied and the dedication of the management and staff of these facilities hopefully and prayerfully this will continue to be the case.

    My support and prayers go out to those that are truly making the sacrifice and commitment to care for our loved ones in these facilities.

  5. Shows 8 total, now, 10 AM 4-29
    Affected Facilities

    Anchorage Healthcare Center
    Number of Cases: 3
    Number of Deaths: 0

    Salisbury Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
    Number of Cases: 5
    Number of Deaths: 0

  6. April 29, 2020 at 8:18 AM
    You visit on a regular basis?

    I have a relative in a home in Buffalo and Florida and neither allows visitors
    Only here is stupidville would such a thing be allowed

    Absolutely unacceptable and you are selfish for putting others at risk

    Shame on all of you, waiting for someone to die before anything gets done? How dreadful.


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