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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Court Rules Against Trump's School Nutrition Rollback

After making a brief comeback on school lunch menus, white bread and other refined grains may be vanishing again when schools re-open after a federal court threw out the Trump administration's rollback of school nutrition standards.

The U.S. district court in Maryland this week said the administration did not give adequate public notice of the change, which had gone into effect for this past school year. The ruling was in response to a lawsuit brought by the Center for Science in the Public Interest and Healthy School Food Maryland.



  1. The School Nutrition Association, except for a bare few thousand of dollars, is wholly funded by corporate interests like Con Agra, General Mills, Domino's Pizza, etc.

  2. I have an idea to save money. STOP HAVING LUNCH SOLD IN SCHOOLS. Brown bag your own. Besides who really eats that crap they serve anyway??

    1. Brown Bag 1253 ?

      you said Brown...that's racial profiling

    2. Only if they said it was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on brown bread.

  3. So with this court order, the school lunches will be mostly thrown out instead of eaten. Kids know what they want.

  4. The courts are Robin Hood

  5. Oh great back to the crap Michelle Obama made available and the children threw it in the trash cans. Waste of my tax dollars!

    1. The hungry aren't the ones throwing it out.

  6. 1239 HA HA HA talk about snowflakes. Seems to me you guys would be the first advocating for kids to eat what is offered or starve. But I forgot, it was a chance to try to ding the Obama plan to bring healthy foods into the cafeteria. Lets not let that opportunity go to waste.

  7. meals should be based around what kids will eat, not what somebody else thinks they should eat. some kids will do without before they eat some things. I know i was one of them! Still am!

  8. Simple solution. No more lunch cafeterias. Parents provide food for kids to take to school. That’s what lunchboxes and brown paper bags are for.

  9. 620 so yeah lets use government tax dollars to stuff them full of salty fatty foods. Then we can use some more tax dollars to ensure we have to take care of them as fat adults. Makes tons of sense


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