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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Could the world have a coronavirus vaccine by September?

Could the world have a coronavirus vaccine by September? Monkeys given Oxford University's jab were infection-free a month after contact with the virus - and researchers say 'millions' of doses could be ready this fall

Scientists at Oxford University in the UK say they are one step closer in developing a vaccine to stop the spread.

Last month, promising results were seen after six rhesus macaque monkeys were injected with a single dose of the university's new vaccine.

This means that a new vaccine trial involving more than 6,000 participants will be started by the end of next month in an effort to show the vaccine is safe and effective.

With emergency approval, 'a few million' doses could be available as early as September, if the inoculation works, reported The New York Times.



  1. Do you mean a vaccine like the Flu vaccine every year?

    You know the one that still leaves thousands dead from the Flu every year?

    Yea, can't wait for that one.

  2. Poison and probably DNA tracker inside. DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT!

  3. In the style of Nancy Reagan, just say NO to globalist vaccinations.

  4. Flu vaccine doesnt stop or cure anything just supposedly lessens the impact.

  5. So, how many directly dead from the vaccine, like the swine flu vaccine, is acceptable?

  6. We won't need one. Those of us exposed and survived come from generations of genetic survivors through multiple viral epidemics and we will inherit the Garden. It's Natural Selection.

  7. No vaccines for me! I am not a monkey or a guinei pig. No way!

  8. Govt wants a vaccine so they can Stop Paying you !!!

  9. WHO CARES???? you idiots who fell for this crap and now a vax...no way!!!

  10. The vaccine will be made available for the political hacks and rich bastards only.

  11. Miss me with those poison pokes. If their agenda isn't clear by now. Sheesh!

  12. Militaries always have the antidote for bioweapon

  13. Those vaccines are poison and full of mercury and can cause a terrible condition leaving you crippled and very bad off.

  14. You can get Guillains Barre Syndrome from the flu vaccine. It's horrible. Look it up.


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