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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus immunity not assured after infection, WHO says, imperiling ‘passport’ idea

There is “currently no evidence” that people who recover from coronavirus are protected from a second infection, the World Health Organization wrote Friday in a scientific briefing.

The statement came as Chile announced plans to distribute “immunity passports” for recovering patients to use at workplaces, airports and other locations – and as officials in the U.S. and France expressed interest in similar plans, NPR reported.

The WHO’s statement would seem to negate the validity of any such document.

“Some governments have suggested that the detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could serve as the basis for an 'immunity passport' or 'risk-free certificate' that would enable individuals to travel or to return to work assuming that they are protected against re-infection,” the WHO wrote. “There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.”

The information was sure to be troubling as the world continued grappling with the outbreak, which as of early Sunday had sickened more than 2.9 million people and killed more than 203,000 across the globe, according to Johns Hopkins University.



  1. If you can have antibodies but still get reinfected then a vaccine won't work. It seems awfully suspicious that MSM promotes or suppresses things based on the narrative they are trying to support even if the "facts" they present are totally contradictory.

  2. If this is true then it’s time to accept it as the new norm, observe social distancing and get back to work, because there’d be no reason to wait for a cure or vaccine when you can be reinfected again, coupled with a lot of people not even knowing they had/have it.

  3. Are they testing this theory by trying to re-infect already recovered patients to see what happens?

  4. Who cares what WHO says?

  5. I love everyone screaming Get back to work. Yet they would be the 1st ones saying I need a vacation. Fyi Covid is still here, it hasn't "passes" just because NYC numbers went down.

  6. I don’t believe “immunity” is a possibilty with bioweapons?

    Not sure though

    Immunity has to do with NATURE.

  7. Don't trust a thing coming out of the WHO.

  8. 12:45 a vaccine is still possible, don't spread misinformation. It is possible that patients who recovered did not have their B cells create antibodies - they may have fought off the infection with T cells or with their innate immune response. It also depends on the dose the person received. That's the funny thing about research, you learn new things. You can mark it as contradictory if you want but call it what it is - a new development. It is why you shouldn't do things like pull funding from scientific organizations attempting to learn as much as possible about the viral pandemic DURING a viral pandemic. But hey, it's much easier to think that thousands of people die each day from a conspiracy right?

  9. Why would we now believe anything WHO says. They are a puppet of China.


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