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Thursday, April 02, 2020

Coronavirus could travel 27 feet, stay in air for hours: MIT researcher

Social-distancing guidelines to stay 6 feet from others may be woefully inadequate, one scientist warns — saying the coronavirus can travel 27 feet and linger for hours.

MIT associate professor Lydia Bourouiba, who has researched the dynamics of coughs and sneezes for years, warns in newly published research that the current guidelines are based on outdated models from the 1930s.

Rather than the assumed safety of 6 feet, Bourouiba warns that “pathogen-bearing droplets of all sizes can travel 23 to 27 feet.”

Her research, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, also warns that “droplets that settle along the trajectory can contaminate surfaces” — and “residues or droplet nuclei” may “stay suspended in the air for hours.”



  1. This kind of info makes it a sure thing that we will no longer be an open society but that everyone will be wearing masks and gloves and not touching.

  2. Just scare us a little more each day !

  3. Going to be a changed world if we survive this. No more shopping without covering our faces and also wearing rubber gloves everywhere.

  4. With this wind it'll likely travel from Montgomery co and NY to everywhere on the cost.....

  5. We're all screwed!

  6. Its all Nancys plan

  7. I think the important thing here is for everyone to realize they need to cover their mouth with anything every time they go out.

  8. Hey Rickie....no more boardwalk...no more beach...no more $$$$$$ from parking meters.

    Probably a good time to lessen your hemorrhoids and retire now.

  9. I hate the media. Fear mongering at its best. If you read the study it clearly states they have no data to show its contagion level in this “cloud” to cause infection. Variables such as humidity, air flow, room temperature are not given. Only relevant for prolonged elevator use imo

  10. Buy latex stock tomorrow!

  11. Just think how dating is going to be changed forever after this.

  12. All this fearmongering so a few researchers get their 15 minutes of fame. At some point it becomes obvious many are only looking for attention, and not producing any significant results.


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