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Friday, April 03, 2020

China Must Be Obeyed: Huawei Warns U.S. Against New Trade Restrictions

Chinese tech giant Huawei forecast Tuesday that 2020 will be its toughest year ever due to American trade restrictions and warned the U.S. not to instigate any trade restrictions lest they invoke the wrath of the Communist Chinese government.

It said Beijing could hit back against U.S. measures to restrict chip sales to Huawei, by restricting sales of American products in China and by shifting to alternative suppliers in China and South Korea.

“The Chinese government will not just stand by and watch Huawei be slaughtered on the chopping board,” chairman Eric Xu told reporters at the launch of Huawei’s annual report, according to Reuters.

“Why wouldn’t the Chinese government ban the use of 5G chips or 5G chip-powered base stations, smartphones and other smart devices provided by American companies, for cybersecurity reasons?”

The United States alleges the Chinese government could use Huawei’s equipment to spy, an accusation rejected by the company.



  1. They need US > We DON"T need them for anything !!! LOL LOL

  2. I think that the Marines better step up their program to prepare for war with China in the future. The future may be coming sooner than we think.

  3. China Owns the U.S. now.
    Their currency will become No. 1 and overtake the dollar.
    We will become more socialist as the Gov. sends out helicopter money until the economy completely collapses.

  4. Bring the jobs back to America it's just that simple.

    1. Its not that simple. Over-regulation and greedy unions have killed manufacturing in the US. We are reaping what we sowed.

  5. This virus was an attack

  6. The communist/ satanic model is too steal, not create.

  7. 1 missile can take them out anytime. Nowadays 1 is enough !!!

    They will Never Beat us in War or in $$$$ !!!

  8. The US was threaten a Christmas surprise after the tariffs broke their economy. Chinese owns 75% of US debt and makes equal amount in medical supplies and other consumer products. These trade deals and US companies moving to China under the OBAMA Administration.

  9. 1136
    I agree 100%

  10. Screw china and their pets...the democrats

  11. China is hugely dependent on the United States. Without us their economy will nosedive. Many, many Chinese became rich because of the United States. They will not want us to go away. Tell them to cut it out or else we take our business elsewhere. The majority of Chinese do not want to be ruled by communists and would do anything to leave China. Some have been successful at it and tell the truth of life in China. Like I said, without us, they are nothing and will crumble.


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