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Tuesday, April 07, 2020

CBS News Posts Fraudulent Viral Video of Sobbing ICU Nurse Who Quit Her Job Over Poor Working Conditions, Mask Shortage -- It Was All a Lie

CBS News was caught once again posting a fraudulent video to make it look like President Trump is failing in his response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

First CBS was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York.

Now CBS posted a fraudulent viral video of an ICU nurse crying about a mask shortage and poor working conditions.

CBS on Sunday morning posted a video of a “nurse in tears” who says she quit her job after she was asked to work in a Coronavirus ICU without a face mask: “America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected.”

The fake news tweet from CBS with the viral video is STILL UP and has received over 6 MILLION VIEWS!



  1. There's no shame at the MSM.

  2. And sadly. Another snowflake melts...

  3. Another news show I never watch anymore. Don't they comprehend how many viewers they're losing .

  4. Oh such as shame. Well I guess they can just go interview my brother. Nurse in FL. YES, there is a PPE shortage. Dumb dumb politicians are talking about washing the masks, despite the manufacturers warnings saying don't wash the masks. And they are being advised to do a number of unsafe acts because of lack of PPE. So yeah, CBS is just faking all of this.....

  5. The actress that did this is a spokesperson for DNC fundraising.

  6. New York - Italy, ah what's the diff of a couple thousand miles. Parents must be happy to have hatched this idiot.


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