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Friday, April 24, 2020

CAMP: Accept The Fact That You May Be Wrong

It can be difficult, especially in a time of crisis, to dispassionately assess for errors our own positions and potential biases. After accumulating a certain amount of information, and developing an opinion, we are often susceptible to intake bias, meaning that we only digest information that satisfies what we already believe to be true, which only serves to continuously bolster the mental barricade inside which our opinion is safe from scrutiny.

Because of this, when we then encounter information that could invalidate, or even simply modify, our personal understanding of an issue, we do one of two things. Rather than utilize the data to reassess and possibly modulate our opinion, we find a way to justify a rejection of this new information, or we take a more straightforward tack, and simply lock it out.

We are all guilty of intake bias to some degree in every aspect of life, which is partly why our political landscape looks the way it does, with tribal loyalties often trumping data or reason. We have now seen intake bias infect our thinking as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every American has an opinion on how to best move forward, and that opinion is informed by a multiplicity of factors. A problem arises when our brain-barricades are struck from the outside with incongruent information.

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  2. It is very difficult for many people to assess the US Government and its actions. Many cling to the patriotic passions we learned as children. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance might not be a great idea for very young people since they are not capable of assessing the good and bad of governments.

    Americans are mind controlled by the MSM which is an extension of intelligence for the elites.

  3. We shall see as our state is locked down for another three weeks the msm keeps begging our government to hand out more printed cash as more and more jobs are destroyed as “probable” deaths are used as a deciding factor as to when our dear leaders might let us out. Truly sad

  4. Many people were WRONG in the so called Pandemic. FEAR took over their common sense and it showed; even on this Blog...NOT naming names, but YOU Know who you are...

  5. I’m really starting to doubt it all now. I was very concerned when it started, because I have a serious underlying medical condition, so of course I was concerned! I haven’t worked in 6 weeks, not a lick of money. No help from the government. Denied all programs. It’s all good though. But, now that this has been going on for a while, the numbers, albeit bad, not to the point where I felt like I did as a kid when I thought quicksand was my biggest danger in life! People die everyday anyways! If you die in a car accident and you have the virus, you get counted as a virus death! Now they’re taking down the hospitals that they SO desperately needed! The hospital ship is leaving NY now! Cuomo is handing out medical equipment now. Politicians lined theirs and their friends pockets with big money! I’m really thinking it was another smear attempt on President Trump! If Hillary was in office, would it have been as bad? I remember with the Swine Flu, everybody acted like it was nothing! Vote tampering? False! Collusion? False!(Democrat’s did though!) Impeachment? False! God bless President Trump! I mean, who can we believe!? I know how I’m voting in November! Hopefully a lot of people can get past party lines or on the fence and vote with some common sense!

  6. I think most Americans love communism and want the government to take care of them.
    I sincerely believe this is the prevailing goal of Americans.
    A society who is completely devoid of intelligence.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: You are on the right track 11:21. The goals of cultural Marxism are being rapidly achieved through indoctrination and propaganda forced down the throats of school children. They are taught that this is an evil, racist country that must be destroyed. Hitler recognized in the 30s that manipulating the minds of young children was one of the keys to success. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was a master of the techniques and one result was an almost fanatical support for Nazism. The Hitler Youth programs was almost totally a program of indoctrination and those of us older folks or those that have read and are aware of some history, know how that turned out. The cultural Marxist movement has borrowed significantly from the Nazi play book.


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