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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

BREAKING: Trump Uses Defense Production Act To Protect America’s Food Supply Chain

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday evening to protect America’s food supply chain from disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in China.

“It is important that processors of beef, pork, and poultry (“meat and poultry”) in the food supply chain continue operating and fulfilling orders to ensure a continued supply of protein for Americans,” the order stated. “However, outbreaks of COVID-19 among workers at some processing facilities have led to the reduction in some of those facilities’ production capacity. In addition, recent actions in some States have led to the complete closure of some large processing facilities.”

The executive order highlighted how closing facilities in the national meat and poultry supply chain undermined critical infrastructure, noting that “any unnecessary closures can quickly have a large effect on the food supply chain.”



  1. Wow this is major. We need to open very soon or it will all go down the tubes.

  2. The best thing that can be done is to restore locally owned farms and maybe coops so that our food is American, start to finish.

  3. Vegetarian is the way to go!

    1. Barley,Wheat,Rice and Hops. Vegetarian?

  4. More big government...

  5. That article is horrible. All it does is say Trump wants meat plants to stay open, and if they close the Secretary of Agriculture can reopen them if he wants.

    It's stupid because these plants aren't closing because they want to, they are closing because they have to due to the Covid Outbreak with workers. The Secretary of Agriculture isn't going to reopen them until it is safe anyway. These Democrats keep begging Trump to use the production Act, but he doesn't need to because the Free Market fixes it self. GM started making ventilators not because Trump wanted them too, but because they saw a need and a way to make money. Capitalism works, you don't need the government to come in and force businesses to change how they do things. If there is a demand, there will be a supply.

  6. vegetarian is NOT the way to go. All protein is not created equal and humans have to have animal proteins to be healthy.

  7. Anon 7:08
    You do know that fruits and vegetables must be harvested, sent to a factory of some sort for cleaning and processing ... right ??
    Or maybe you have forgotten how many times fruit and vegetables have been pulled off the market and farms shut down due to a small little thing called
    SALMONELLA .... right !!!!

  8. When will he use for testing, testing, testing. If you want to open America up you need testing. At 150,000 tests per day, on average, testing it will take 6 years to test all Americans a single time

  9. They can remain open if they want to. They don't want to because of profits. As far as the chicken goes no reason whatsoever to euthanize all those chickens. They can process whole and sell with just a skeleton crew. They don't want to because this means less profit.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    The best thing that can be done is to restore locally owned farms and maybe coops so that our food is American, start to finish.

    April 28, 2020 at 10:58 PM"

    I agree but the problem is there are no large scale independent processing plants left. The large companies lobbied for more regulation so to rid the competition and so growers had no choice but to contract with the big companies. It's a big mess.

  11. 9:07 If you are talking to me when I said animal protein is needed by humans you in fact NEED to do your research. And let me educate you-research REAL science and NOT pseudo science In the meantime let me give you a well needed education. There is ZERO I repeat ZERO credible evidence that a vegetarian diet is healthy. NONE. While they have some correlation there is not causation. The problem with you people is that you rely on vegetarian blogs, etc for your "proof." Start relying on REAL science and studies that have been peer reviewed, etc If you use thinking skills you will realize there are none of these studies. The vegetarian community is welcome to underwrite their own studies BUT they never did and won't because a legitimate study would blow their claims right out the window. You can bet on that and another thing you can bet on is that I have forgotten more about this topic then you will ever know.

  12. They don't want to pay for protective gear either.


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