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Sunday, April 12, 2020

BREAKING: AG Barr Taking ‘Action’ Against Gov Officials Who Regulate Religious Services

Attorney General William Barr will reportedly take “action” against government officials who “single out religious” organizations with social distancing enforcement measures as the country continues to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in China.

Barr spokeswoman Kerry Kupec made the announcement on Twitter, writing, “During this sacred week for many Americans, AG Barr is monitoring govt regulation of religious services. While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency, they must be applied evenhandedly & not single out religious orgs. Expect action from DOJ next week!”



  1. Religious organizations are singling themselves out by not complying with social distancing policies. Why do they think they don't have to follow the rules?

    1. What about the Pastor in Florida who essentially held a car movie theater worship service? They were all in their cars (family) which is exempt from social distancing, yet he and all his parishioners were fined. They followed the rules. And in this day and age it IS an essential function.

  2. Would these Gov. Dictator's do this to muslims? Or only to Christians?

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. No. They are afraid of offending Muslims. They are not afraid of offending Christians. In fact, suppressing Christianity is part of the game plan of the left.

  3. Has anyone checked on the Mosques ???????


  4. Religious practices vary widely, and are protected by the Constitution, pretty much short of human sacrifice.

    Mayors of Smallville are not in a position to get good legal advice on this specific, narrow topic about what they can order; they can request whatever they wish but then it becomes a call by the pastor and followers.

  5. SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE goes out the window when Govts
    decide to apply law / action as it sees fit !!!

  6. WAKE UP - we really NOT FREE as one imagines they are to be !!!
    Govt WILL clamp down as tight as it sees fit , when it comes right down to it

    It will get away with it too !!! Declaring Emergency / Suspending the
    Constitution etc !!! Suspending ALL rights if so desired !!!

  7. These churches were practicing social distances. They were having the service outside with worshipers being able to hear it over their car radio. States like Kentucky have no right to ban worshipers in their car and away from others.

  8. you fools are letting it happen, all in the name of safety. sheep get devoured by wolves!

  9. @540 They will do that to people like you, cowards that herald how powerless the rest of us are. But to those of us armed and with no compunction in using the arms, the oppression stops the moment we choose for it too. Prison and tyranny might scare you but you do not represent everyone else.

  10. How about we equally apply tax laws?

  11. @353 They need not bother, Muslims have no issue with shutting down mosques to deal with the outbreak. They pray 5 times a day regardless, the mosque is just where one goes to find fellowship. That said this Muslim believes in the Constitution and as such the separation of church and state and the freedom for those to practice their religion.

    1. Well explained. Christians can be arrogant in thought that they have to congregate to be effective or receive the message. They also like to show off their faith to others.That's the problem with all religion, the human race has contaminated it. And I am of Christian descent.


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